How common is it in the higher levels for mobs to either be immune from or highly resistant to sneak attack? I recall from the NWN games that in the later levels sneak attack rarely worked between devils, demons, and undead.
How common is it in the higher levels for mobs to either be immune from or highly resistant to sneak attack? I recall from the NWN games that in the later levels sneak attack rarely worked between devils, demons, and undead.
Some elite/epic devils and demons have fortification and are thus immune to sneak attacks.
All undead in ddo are immune to sneak attacks.
I have not been a fan of the mechanics of the Assassin 2 Assasinate ability, and so I don't have much insight, but I have heard that high level mobs save often even when you are pimped out for Assasinate.
All mobs I have come across in Epic are immune to the Tier 3 Vorpal effect.
Hope that helps.
Last edited by Grymjaw; 02-15-2010 at 11:57 AM.
Sneak Attack works very well throughout all levels. I have a 20th level rogue (Krythen in my sig)
Epic mobs are immune to vorp/instakill, but end-game trash (devils/orthons) gets slaughtered by an assassin III
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This is quite true! Just make sure you keep playing as most rogues should. Let the tanks run in first and you come in after they have turned onto them. That is the time to strike, open with a quick stealth, Assasinate, unstealth and SA away. You will tear through mobs!
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Mobs being immune to vorpal/Assassin III death attack, or being immune to sneak attacks are two different things.
Immune to sneak attacks and critical hits: All undead, all constructs, all elementals. Mechanic rogues can try to use a power to get sneak attacks against constructs for a short time.
Protected against sneak attacks and critical hits (i.e. having Fortification, but less than 100%): Warforged (such as in VoN 4), devil raid purple-named bosses of the Cornugon or Pit Fiend types (50% Fortification on Normal, 75% on Hard and Elite in Shroud, seems the same in VoD and ToD). Quickfoot bandits in some harbour quests used to have low fortification for some reason before, don't know it that is still the case.
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