I dunno why people say STK takes so long. Just run it on norm, or gods forbid casual, and it shouldn't take much more than 20 minutes max for all 3 parts. Did it with my level 6 bard in under 20 min, so it can't be all that hard. Of course the bard needed the ring and didn't get it. So I decided to run my ranger through and got the ff ring. I'm sure it can be done faster. Hmmm I should try it woth my monk and see what happens.
For me, I don't mind running for the Ring of Feathers.
I just keep the last part open(by not picking up the seal at the end and finishing out). Then I run in once in a awhile and try for one. The run takes about 3 minutes. If I get one great, if not, no biggie. But...it is a nice little item to hand out to a new player who seems cool and might play for a while.
Good Luck!
Dravun , Yocoba, Daivik, and so many more.
Proud to serve the Imperial Assassins!
Do not drink the awesome-sauce......One must BE the awesome-sauce.
what does kothos have to do with the ring of feathers? if your talking about that cloak you can get its useless the ring of feathers is no lvl full time ff its very useful
that being said its not worth the pp being asked for it on ah and I have given 20 or so of the things away and will continue to give them to deserving people when I have xtras.
NO I dont have any right now but will be trying a time or 20 this weekend to get some more.
Beware the Sleepeater
Gravnok's band and the STK FF ring are the two items that get passed down to every toon. I find them incrediably useful at low levels. Would I farm STK just for it? No. But I run STK on every toon a couple times anyway and I find the quest enjoyable, so it's not like a chore regardless.
I've always been a fan of the Trapblast Goggles myself. There's no way the ring is "worthless", though. So what if other FF items drop nowadays? If you don't have FF and need it, and want it on a no-minimum-level ring, is there a better choice out there?
Guess I'm lucky. My brain is wired all wrong - I still enjoy running STK for the fun.
Just parked at cleric at 4th so I can run it whenever I want.
I also run STK because I find it to be a fun quest chain. The experiance is pretty good and the joy of watching people die in fire traps is hard to match.
Winston Churchill:
“Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.”