Does anyone still run STK for the ring of feathers? none of my chars will ever run that quest for that item unless it's to sell. I happen to have completed Korthos.
Does anyone still run STK for the ring of feathers? none of my chars will ever run that quest for that item unless it's to sell. I happen to have completed Korthos.
Thats about the only thing of worth from the end chest. I've run STK a few times and gotten the ring... but it doesn't sell for all that much on the AH anyway...
Fullmental Lobotomy: Warforged 2Rog/18Wiz Catharxis: Drow 10Ranger/2Rog | Knobstomper: Dwarf 4Bard/2Rog/2Ftr
Meatjob: Warforged 5 FvS | Tronjeremy: HOrc 4 Monk
remember though that they all have feather cloaks... I can already get feather falling without bothering to lootrun the quest.
Well, admittedly it would help if the darn thing weren't made out of tissue paper. It takes permanent damage faster than any item in the game.
Gwyneira : Cattari : Gorobei : Berylore : Zelphia : Aanouk : Beatriice : RobotMaria : Dalrymple : Ainouk : Bearatrice
Dragonmark Alliance : Fernia : Ghallanda
there is a huge difference between having 1 clickie of featherfall that lasts for 1 minute and having the same effect that is always on until you take the item off. Like someone said above, try running The Pit and see if your 1 clickie of Featherfall comes in handy or not.
(TR'd my FvS into a Sorc, will go back to winging around the Marketplace soon)
Orion Alts ~ Kaerie - 18 Ranger/1 Fighter/1 Monk ~ Verimont - 20 Barbarian ~ Vexxiana - 20 Sorcerer
I believe in mind over matter. If I don't mind, it doesn't matter.
Sarlona! Yep, back again.
Since bound no-ML boots are pretty easy to get from the Sharn Syndicate quests, I don't really see the need for it, personally. By the time I need FF on another slot I could just wear a regular ring or run CO6 for the bat.
Unless co6 decides to be a butt and not cough up the bat.
I have a lvl 10 pallie rogue that is very item dependent. She has dex 4 boots/ff boots and to be quite honest its a pain in the neck. Gotta run co6 again for that bat LOL. Her rings are intel and i forget the other one.
Hands you a Cupcake One of Many of the O'Rum Ferretus's
I've gotten several FF rings and FF boots from the Sharn syndicate, as well as FF boots from Waterworks. No need to run STK just for a ring anymore.
Get the ring or even two. STK can be soloed by a decent lvl 5 barb or fighter.(i've done it twice now) A small party can breeze through in under an hour. The ring can be passed to new alts as you begin to roll them and permanent feather fall is a nice thing to have, even when you go back to korthos to run the hard/elite with your lvl 3, after getting to the harbor to get the dang ring from the mail.
Saving the 3-5 pts of fall damage, when jumping levels in the prison in the WW can make a difference. There are plenty of other times that it helps also.
Sarlona Guild of the Black Dragon
Egrofraw, Eighttrack, Fearstryker, Foecleaver, Ferricgnome, Rustoleum, SoPretty