Anyone else sick of seeing only rapiers, scimitars, khopeshes and Dwarf Axes being used? (not talking about 2handed yet)
I can certainly understand why this is the case with the significant dps difference between these and all other weapons available, but personally I think this is a shame.
One proposed solution to this perceived problem (admitting I may be the only one wanting this) is the create a set of enhancment lines for weapons allowing them to achieve a sort of ballance at the expense of extra training.
This is only an initial look and number crunching/ballance not looked at more than superficially
Bastard sword d10 crit 19 x2
Khopesh d8 crit 19 x3
Scimitar d6 crit 18
Longsword d8 crit 19 x2
Enhancements for the longsword maybe improved crit range 1 (modifies crit range x1)
improved crit range 2 (modifies crit range x2 req improved crit)
or the option
Enhancements for the longsword maybe improved crit damage 1 (modifies crit mutilplier x1 with base damage -2)
improved crit damage 2 (modifies crit multiplier x1 req with no modifier)
But not both at the same time
Scimitar may receive
improved damage 1 (modifies base damage to +1)
improved crit damage 1 (modifies crit base damage by +1)
Scimitars are limited in that they cannot choose the alternate crit multiplier damage but should have a marginally higher base/crit damage to compensate
Khopeshes, Bastard swords and DAxes could similary be ballanced allong with other weapons.
Being able to choose the strength of weapon use even though having to pay for it with ap would at least add some versatility to melee weapon choice.
Ballancing issues khopeshes should always be slightly better then the LS counterparts because of the exotic weapon proficiency etc.
The basic concept is that aps can be spent to close the gap between weapon types.
And before the trolls come in, all my toons have the boring standard Khopeshes, Scimitars and Rapiers, though I really wish there was an alternative.