Hi everyone! Episode 155 of DDOcast is now ready to go. Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3.

This week's show features a chat with Sanadil about the newest version of the DDO Interactive Game Guide. Babale brings a brand new segment to the show as well called "Surviving DDO" and Lessah has all sorts of good stuff with "Know Your Role."


DDOcast Episode 155 (2-14-10)

:14 Intro
1:52 Patch 1 on Lammania6:10 Mournlands Call for Applicants
11:05 IGN Update 3 Preview13:20 DDO-Europe Update
14:50 New Quest?15:30 Menechtarun Epic loot
16:00 Epic Tokens16:35 Valentine's Day Screenshot Contest
17:50 Community Spotlight/Community Chronicle18:55 Surviving DDO by Babale
32:24 Know Your Role40:23 Sanadil chat - DDO Interactive Game Guide v3.0
58:19 Tips1:00:00 Emails
1:11:30 How to Record a Segment pdf


TOTAL TIME: 1:13:38


LINK to the Update 3, Patch 1 on Lammania Release Notes.

LINK to more info on how to apply for Mournlands access.

LINK to the IGN preview of Update 3.

LINK to DDOReports' writeup of new quests coming to DDO (maybe).

LINK to info about the DDO Valentine's Day Screenshot Contest.

LINK to Lessah's Risia Ice Games instructional video.

LINK to the 3rd installment of the Eberron Chronicle.

LINK for more info about the DDO Interactive Game Guide.

LINK to Nim's writeup for Eternal Wands.

LINK to the iTunes spot for the Critical Hits podcast.

LINK to DDO's UI skins.

LINK to my writeup on how to record a segment for DDOcast.
