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  1. #1
    Community Member kartos's Avatar
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    Default halfling VS dwarf

    which 1 is better for monk? a finesse monk i know that a halfling van get me +1 extra to hit and +2 to AC but is it really that important?

    dwarf starting stats:
    14 STR
    16 DEX
    16 CON
    8 INT
    14 WIS
    6 CHA

    halfling starting stats:
    14 STR
    16 DEX
    14 CON
    8 INT
    14 WIS
    8 CHA

    so which is better? DC would be the same though the dwarf will have access to last tier of earth stance while halfling wont

    another question:
    where should i put my level ups?

    i have two options that i think would be the best
    1) 4 DEX 1WIS so with enchantments i will have even number
    2)5 wis for slightly higher DC's

    whats better?

  2. #2
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
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    The main reason people choose halfling over dwarf is enhancements. Halfling Guile has great synergy with a monk and they get racial enhancements for Dex, dwarves don't really have any racial enhancements that are super beneficial to monks. I tend to put level ups in Wisdom, this benefits both DCs and AC. With the builds you have you will need to either get a +2 tome or put two levels up in Dex to get to 18 for GM Wind stance and 17 for GTWF, but I assume that's what you'd be planning for anyway since you mention getting the last tier of earth for the dwarf which would also require a tome.

    Honestly what you have so far for both builds looks fine and if you like dwarves better than halflings or just want to be different, go for it. A dwarf monk isn't bad, but I would say that a halfling pulls a little ahead just because of the enhancements.

  3. #3
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Dwarf tactics enhancements will increase the DC of monk attacks including stunning fist & quivering palm (was confirmed on another thread but too lazy to supply the link - this means probably the highest DC of saves for monk abilities you can get with all stat points in wis), and with racial CON enhancements plus racial toughness up to 4 they can have higher HP - its also easier to get tier 4 earth stance & the associated strike.

    Halflings get sneak attack enhancements for DPS & racial DEX enhancements for better reflex saves, AC & attack if you go finesse. They also get racial luck enhancements to boost saves further. Its easier for them to get the DEX for tier 4 wind stance for attack speed, and you can boost their survivability even further with the addition of the healing dragonmarks

  4. #4
    Community Member kartos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impatiens View Post
    The main reason people choose halfling over dwarf is enhancements. Halfling Guile has great synergy with a monk and they get racial enhancements for Dex, dwarves don't really have any racial enhancements that are super beneficial to monks. I tend to put level ups in Wisdom, this benefits both DCs and AC. With the builds you have you will need to either get a +2 tome or put two levels up in Dex to get to 18 for GM Wind stance and 17 for GTWF, but I assume that's what you'd be planning for anyway since you mention getting the last tier of earth for the dwarf which would also require a tome.

    Honestly what you have so far for both builds looks fine and if you like dwarves better than halflings or just want to be different, go for it. A dwarf monk isn't bad, but I would say that a halfling pulls a little ahead just because of the enhancements.
    can u please give me an enchantment build for light halfling monk as i thought of that bonus but i can't fit it within the 80 AP limit and the truth is i like halflings better

    Quote Originally Posted by FuzzyDuck81 View Post
    Dwarf tactics enhancements will increase the DC of monk attacks including stunning fist & quivering palm (was confirmed on another thread but too lazy to supply the link - this means probably the highest DC of saves for monk abilities you can get with all stat points in wis), and with racial CON enhancements plus racial toughness up to 4 they can have higher HP - its also easier to get tier 4 earth stance & the associated strike.

    Halflings get sneak attack enhancements for DPS & racial DEX enhancements for better reflex saves, AC & attack if you go finesse. They also get racial luck enhancements to boost saves further. Its easier for them to get the DEX for tier 4 wind stance for attack speed, and you can boost their survivability even further with the addition of the healing dragonmarks
    i will comment on this later as i G2G

  5. #5
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    I would never roll a Dwarf monk over a Warforged, simply to many pro's on the Warforged side including being easier to get a good AC (DT docent +chaosguards+insight 4 on DT). A capped WF monk loses their only weakness (rust monsters vulnerability) while keeping all the strengths, including immunity to a spell which has NO save (energy drain).

    In my opinion, there are only 3 GOOD races for monks=

    Dwarves, elves, and drow dont really add anything that 1 of the other 3 races can do better.

  6. #6
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kartos View Post
    can u please give me an enchantment build for light halfling monk as i thought of that bonus but i can't fit it within the 80 AP limit and the truth is i like halflings better is one of the most often linked halfling monk builds and is a good place to start. Are you having trouble with the 80 AP limit because you want the rise of the phoenix line? That does make things more difficult (and ultimately it is probably not worth while to have) but it's still definitely doable.

    There are some things I'd do differently than the linked build, personally, like not bother with combat expertise, but it's a sold build and a good place to start from for sure.

  7. #7
    Community Member Dylvish's Avatar
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    Dwarves get +5 vs spells, Toughness IV, Tactics II, +2 Con, +balance, I believe a bonus vs poison, and a good starting str. They are rather underestimated IMO. They also dont lose anything to wisdom, with CHA being their penalty stat.

    Humans are the middle guy, well rounded (as usual and fitting for the base race), and the racial heal bonus is nice.

    Halflings get some nice synergy through guile, etc, +2(or is it 3?) to dex, +1 AC, and if they use it (some do, some dont) can have a heal and / or buff feat. They do pay for it with low str, and can have problems vs anything immune to sneak attack.

    Warforged make good pure str builds, and the immunities are a nice bonus, but pay for it in lowered wis (even with tactics) DC's, and often a lower AC (until they can get a lot of raids for the uber gear).

    They all offer nice things, and can be very viable. At low levels (pre 12ish), halflings are near godly as they have higher AC's, but once you start getting later levels, most of them balance out.

    I have a 15 halfling, deleted my 14 human and 13 drow, never got my WF past 7, and am now playing a 11 dwarf, which has become hands down my favorite so far. (yep, no 20's for monk yet).

    Pick your style and your concept, and go with it. The key is having fun, and they can all work well.

    If you are going purely for min/maxing, the order may change a little for solo/grouping but (again opinions abound, this is just mine) I'd probably go:

    Halfling / Dwarf

    Which ever you chose, welcome to the brotherhood!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Impatiens View Post
    The main reason people choose halfling over dwarf is enhancements. Halfling Guile has great synergy with a monk and they get racial enhancements for Dex, dwarves don't really have any racial enhancements that are super beneficial to monks. I tend to put level ups in Wisdom, this benefits both DCs and AC. With the builds you have you will need to either get a +2 tome or put two levels up in Dex to get to 18 for GM Wind stance and 17 for GTWF, but I assume that's what you'd be planning for anyway since you mention getting the last tier of earth for the dwarf which would also require a tome.

    Honestly what you have so far for both builds looks fine and if you like dwarves better than halflings or just want to be different, go for it. A dwarf monk isn't bad, but I would say that a halfling pulls a little ahead just because of the enhancements.
    great post +1

    I, however, would forgo the Combat Expertise of the Rockan Robin and put those build points into Dex. There is no real need to CE on the build and every time you use a finisher you lose CE. Which means you are either using CE less, or using finishers less. Starting stats: 12/18/14/8/16/8 and all level ups into wisdom.
    Last edited by Clay; 02-15-2010 at 01:46 AM.
    R e v e n a n t s Renowned

  9. #9
    Community Member kartos's Avatar
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    thanks guys i think i will go halfling simply cuz i like those little guys ty for all ur help but i still need help with enchantments so let's say i won't take raise of the phoenix and it's pre req that's 12 AP free which means i can max the + to hit enchantment what about the + damage 1?

  10. #10
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clay View Post
    great post +1

    I, however, would forgo the Combat Expertise of the Rockan Robin and put those build points into Dex. There is no real need to CE on the build and every time you use a finisher you lose CE. Which means you are either using CE less, or using finishers less. Starting stats: 12/18/14/8/16/8 and all level ups into wisdom.
    I agree with this. I don't ever bother with CE on a monk build, though I know some people like to have it.

  11. #11
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    Enhanments for a halfling monk wis/dex build are tight, but easy.

    Guile IV,
    Cunning IV
    Monkey IV
    Wind IV
    Earth IV
    Water II
    Unbalancing strike(free sneaks even on purple names. yes it DOES work on harry/sully)
    fire I(just for walk of sun)
    Improved healing I
    Racial toughness II(Can't get III)
    monk wis III
    Halfling dex II
    Fists of light
    And whatever junk u 'need' to pick pre-lv 6(improved saves, whatever, just to reach the min req to get the 2nd ranks)
    Think that covers it. It will put u at 78 ap spent sparing 2 for the capstone

    Feats are easier, full TWF tree, finesse, toughness, imp.crit bludge. Stunning fist(is a given, u will LOVE it) at 1st and Power attack at 3-5 depending if u need a +1 tome to unlock or not. CE is next to usless on a monk(Sorry guys) because a monk is NOT about getting monster high ac. its about being the guy standing at the end. too much into int takes away what u can put into con/dex/wis, which are all VERY important for a monk. the difference of 5 ac won't matter, and as a lightside(who WANTS to survive) U will be popping off your finishers quite often to keep yourself/group buffed, and to heal yourself, each time u use any lightside finisher, CE will deactivate. Its just not worth the headache.

    If your really having trouble in amrath, learn to abuse unbalancing strike(16 free dmg with EVERY hit, -2 ac so easier to hit said mob, goes down faster), walk of sun(+2 to hit, again making mob easier to hit) dance of storms(blur, 20%) and fists of light(able to tank since your hitting fast enough to 'almost' offset the dmg the mob does to you, plus u get a 30-50 hp heal every 3 times u use fol)

    I have no issues at all in amrath(except for the **** cats tripping me constantly now, stupid 'fixes' made them trip on a save roll of 19 or less with +30 reflex.) - All u gotta do is realize a monk is not a 'turn on autoattack, go eat lunch, come back to room full of dead mobs'. You want to constantly be using your KI.

  12. #12
    Community Member Halock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FuzzyDuck81 View Post
    Dwarf tactics enhancements will increase the DC of monk attacks including stunning fist & quivering palm (was confirmed on another thread but too lazy to supply the link - this means probably the highest DC of saves for monk abilities you can get with all stat points in wis), and with racial CON enhancements plus racial toughness up to 4 they can have higher HP - its also easier to get tier 4 earth stance & the associated strike.
    Dwarf tactics does not not raise the DC of quivering palm, it works for stunning fist. Duno if thats a bug or not, but thats how it is as of last login ( 5 mins ago )

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