"You have successfully canceled your Dungeons and Dragons Online™ subscription. We are sad to see you go, but you may resume it at any time. We hope to see you back soon!"

I just wanted to let everyone I'm leaving the game. It's been a fantastic 3 year run, I've met and played with so many terrific people. This game has been great, but after 3 years it's time to hang up the blades and focus on the real world. Thank you everyone who made my gaming experience so enjoyable.

I really want to give a big shout out to Unbreakable, fantastic guild with fantastic players who are also good friends. I was/am proud to be a member of such a great guild. I thank you all for allowing me to participate in it, it was an honor and priveledge to run with you all.

I'd also like to give a big shout out to all of my friends in the channels, you know who you are. ;-)

To my friends in Archmagi, I salute you, you guys are awesome, thanks for all the runs. To all my buds from the guild formerly known as the Tinted Faces, grease someone off a cliff for me. Yrrm, you are ordered to cause at least 1 trade window death. To all of you crazy Pony's, keep up the good work, spread mayham wherever you go. To Arkee, Davey and all the great folks in the Blood Lords, thanks for always taking me in, it was a blast playing with you guys. To my buds from the AOK, you guys are awesome. I think I met Hefty right about the time I started playing, and he's always been a terrific friend and player. Tab, I'm sorry man, I'm strictly a heterosexual, it would have never worked out anyways.

I'd also like to shout out to Pure Life and Alex, we didn't initially hit it off, but since our original forum scruff you've always been a good bud, and great player. There are many others that I know I'm missing, like all of the great players from Ascent and Ransacked. Also big shouts out to Finos, Danny, Verbal, Juslim, Tymorial, Conner, and many more that I know I'm forgetting, thank you all for the good times.

Nick, Bill, you guys have been real buds for the past years, thanks a lot, you'll be missed, PM me if you need my contact info.