Hi All. Revamped this after selling a lot of stuff to the vendor.
I have:
Boots of Striding and Springing
Shield Fragment 2 (x2)
Shield Fragment 1
+1 Paralyzing Greataxe of Pure Good (lvl 12)
+1 Paralyzer Mace (lvl 10)
+1 Paralyzing Light Pick (lvl 10)
+1 Keen Heavy Pick of Smiting (Lvl 12)
+1 Dagger of Smiting (lvl 10)
+1 Handwraps of Smiting (lvl 10)
+1 Holy Burst Shortbow of Pure good (lvl 10) (x2)
+3 Metalline Kama of Pure good (lvl 10)
+3 Metalline Throwing Axe of Pure Good (lvl 10)
+4 Vicious Handwraps of Greater Dragon Bane (lvl 14)
+5 Ghost Touch Longbow of Pure Good (lvl 12)
+5 Icy Burst Falchion of Maiming (lvl 14)
+2 Flaming Khopesh of Disruption (lvl 14)
+1 Flaming Dwarven Axe of Greater Undead Bane (lvl 8)
+1 Holy Burst Quarterstaff of Weighted +4% (lvl 16)
+1 Vicious Weighted +5% handwraps (Dwarf RR, lvl 10)
Chipped Bastard Sword (Not Upgraded) (lvl 5) (x2)
Wand of Winter's Wrath (Not Upgraded) (lvl 5) (x1)
+5 Mithral Full plate (lvl 8)
Electric Haze
Haggle Necklace +15 (lvl 15)
+6 Strength Gloves (any lvl, need to be able to wear it on humans.)
+6 Strength Ring (For Halflings, Any Lvl, prefer something higher ML and cheaper, not TR'ing my rogue again ><)
Greensteel Ingredients
Firestorm Greaves
Spectral Gloves
Ring of Spell Storing