What would you all consider to be the ideal Warforged Barbarian gloves to be? I've finished my weapon and am ready to make some handware but am unsure as to what i should build.
What would you all consider to be the ideal Warforged Barbarian gloves to be? I've finished my weapon and am ready to make some handware but am unsure as to what i should build.
I like rad 2 gloves paired with tharnes for that extra 8 damage
a better junk slot is the cloak IMO anyway
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
Im going epic spectral gloves on my barb, saving the GS slot for goggles or cloak
im not going to hold my breath for anything epic when i can have GS gloves in a day or two
HP gloves. I say either triple earth or triple air. Optimally, I would get EG guard on my DT, but chances of either of us getting it are slim![]()
THELANIS - Chief Scientist of DARPA
Ravinex: Bard 18/Fighter 2 - Krotus: 20 Fighter - Hemium: Ranger 18/Fighter 2 - Stema: Favoured Soul 11 - Hemios: Ranger 15/Fighter 1/Monk 1
Unless you have exceptional HP on your Dragnotouched armor, I'd make +45hp as your first item.
Smoke and Radiance Guard are the best options for quests, Lightning Strike Guard or Disintegration Guard for raids.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
Best option for raid tanking is concordant oposition. (free 30 point heal 5% of can make a difference)
Trash enervation guard + stunning blow is far superior to any damage guard.