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Wow level 9 came quick. I took Combat casting. I almost did toughness but it would only give me 12 HP at my current level and if I understand it correctly only 23 at level 20. Will 12 HP really make a difference? I mean most times I croke I go right to negative 30 or something so I would still be dead with the extra 12 HP. Yes Fortification is something I am looking for, perhaps a nice desease imunity belt of heavy fort? Is there such a thing?
I think what has helped me the most lately is I play like less of a noob. Now that I know I can't kill a fly and have learned to accept that I just kick back and heal durring battle. This works great now that I have learned how to ration my SP by not healing between battles or healing stupidity (noobs who run off by themselves.)
Now what is the best item to get some Con boosts? I Currently use:
Looking foir goggles thinking Clever Goggle of the eagle
+1 Wise helm
+5 concentration neclace with +10 falselife and +1 attack bonus
Pearl of power IV
Desease imunity belt
Lightning resist cloak
Feather falling boots w/ +5 jump
+ 2 Strength gloves of +5 jump
+ 1 Charisma ring
I need a ring but have several I swap out when needed
+1 AC bracers +3 heal
+5 Mithryl Breast plate
Ok probably more info then you need to answer my main question of where do I increase Constitution? However, it is obviouse I have a lot of needed upgrades to do for my current level. I just wiped my bank acount out buying the breastplate, pearl, boots and belt and would like to keep them or at least the boosts they provide. Like I said the main thing I am after NOW is Constution however any advice is welcome on how to outfit this toon.