Is it just me, or are the following the same power at level 3 as level 20?
Grasp the Earth Dragon
10 Ki. Prep: earth pos earth
Nearby allies become immune to daze, stun, and sleep for 30 seconds.
Dance of Clouds
10 Ki. Prep: air pos air
Nearby allies gain 20% concealment for 60 seconds.
Aligning the Heavens
10 Ki. Prep: water pos water
Nearby allies gain a 25% reduction in spellpoint costs for 60 seconds.
Walk of the Sun
10 Ki. Prep: fire pos fire
Nearby allies gain a +2 morale bonus to attack, saves, and skills for 60 seconds.
I was earlier considering an elf FvS/2 monk, but that has been overdone so much.
I had an idea for 17 cleric 3 monk, fighting with a thf staff to keep centered, having all the light finishers, and the wis bonus AC to allow for cloth the entire time. Leaning towards halfling race for sneak attack damage. At L 20 you would have 2 L 9 spells ready at any given time, you would be able to self buff the -25% sp cost water finisher, and be able to change stances depending on situations.
What do you think?