Im making a human stalwart defender. My starting stats are
16 str
14 dex
14 con
14 int
10 wis
10 cha
Intimitank, I've chosen the 14 int for combat expertise mostly, but I see that combat expertise is a prereq for Whirlwind attack. So this got me thinking. How am I going to tower shield block, Intimidate, and DPS.
well...Intimidate brings enemies toward me, Whirlwind attack attacks all enemies around me, Cleave and great cleave are like miniature whirlwinds. Best yet, you can hold a shield, use Cleave, and you KEEP your shield AC and DR while spinning.
Would a Cleave, GreatCleave, Whirlwind attack Stalwart defender be better than one that focuses on stuff like improved trip or stunning blow?
I get so many feats that I've no idea what to do with them. If not cleaves and whirlwind, then what, I dont have the dex for TWF