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  1. #1
    Community Member CBebopFan's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default I like to go slow and easy; others don't. :-(

    I like to play DDO rather slowly, walking my way through dungeons. I mean, what's the rush? When I join groups, though, I usually end up with people that rush through everything. That's just not my style at all. I mean: where's the fire? I can understand if they've played the game so much that they are easily bored with each quest and know them by heart. But I don't see why they can't take it slowly for the benefit of other players. Which is more selfish: I wanna rush through without regard for other players; or please go more slowly.

    Now, don't get me wrong: this isn't about player skills. It's not like I can't handle the enemies. When I solo, I really kick booty with my stealthy elf ranger. No, this is about preferences. Here's an example of why it's bad for someone who never rushes through a dungeon to start rushing. I was recently in a party with one guy and a hireling (his hireling). We got to a very heavy part of the map that had enemies stretching over a wide area. We had great success killing them so far. Since some enemy rangers were hitting us from a distance, I decided to take them out immediately using my stealth skills. My partner decided to make that the moment to stop the flow of killing and point out a chest that seemed very important to him. Meanwhile, I'm going for the baddies in full-rush, thinking that him and his hireling were with me. Needless to say, I died. (EDIT: I tried to adapt to his fast style of play and died because I wasn't used to it.) As you can see, it's bad for a person who usually goes slow to start rushing. It's just not my thing and I never know what to expect. It also makes it hard for me to enjoy the quests since this is my first time to play through this game.

    So, tell me your opinions. Do you like to go slowly? If so, how long have you been playing? Have you had success finding others who go slowly? Thanks for your replies.
    Last edited by CBebopFan; 02-13-2010 at 02:46 PM.

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