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  1. #1
    Community Member CBebopFan's Avatar
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    Default I like to go slow and easy; others don't. :-(

    I like to play DDO rather slowly, walking my way through dungeons. I mean, what's the rush? When I join groups, though, I usually end up with people that rush through everything. That's just not my style at all. I mean: where's the fire? I can understand if they've played the game so much that they are easily bored with each quest and know them by heart. But I don't see why they can't take it slowly for the benefit of other players. Which is more selfish: I wanna rush through without regard for other players; or please go more slowly.

    Now, don't get me wrong: this isn't about player skills. It's not like I can't handle the enemies. When I solo, I really kick booty with my stealthy elf ranger. No, this is about preferences. Here's an example of why it's bad for someone who never rushes through a dungeon to start rushing. I was recently in a party with one guy and a hireling (his hireling). We got to a very heavy part of the map that had enemies stretching over a wide area. We had great success killing them so far. Since some enemy rangers were hitting us from a distance, I decided to take them out immediately using my stealth skills. My partner decided to make that the moment to stop the flow of killing and point out a chest that seemed very important to him. Meanwhile, I'm going for the baddies in full-rush, thinking that him and his hireling were with me. Needless to say, I died. (EDIT: I tried to adapt to his fast style of play and died because I wasn't used to it.) As you can see, it's bad for a person who usually goes slow to start rushing. It's just not my thing and I never know what to expect. It also makes it hard for me to enjoy the quests since this is my first time to play through this game.

    So, tell me your opinions. Do you like to go slowly? If so, how long have you been playing? Have you had success finding others who go slowly? Thanks for your replies.
    Last edited by CBebopFan; 02-13-2010 at 02:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Ninetoes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBebopFan View Post
    Which is more selfish: I wanna rush through without regard for other players; or please go more slowly.
    They're both selfish.

    Learn to adapt.


    Edit: in the above scenario, you died because you weren't paying attention.
    Last edited by Ninetoes; 02-12-2010 at 11:45 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Uskathoth View Post
    As opposed to the very sensible killing of hobgoblins and magical wizards. In Pretend-Land.

  3. #3
    Community Member CBebopFan's Avatar
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    Learning to adapt is a nice sentiment, but are others willing to adapt to me? Was the other guy paying attention to what I was doing? He broke the flow of killing that we had going and I didn't notice because I'm not used to going fast. How is it my fault? Going fast ruins the group dynamic if not everyone in the group knows the game by heart. Why should I adapt to going fast if it ruins my gaming?

  4. #4
    Community Member Ninetoes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBebopFan View Post
    Learning to adapt is a nice sentiment, but are others willing to adapt to me? Was the other guy paying attention to what I was doing? He broke the flow of killing that we had going and I didn't notice because I'm not used to going fast. How is it my fault? Going fast ruins the group dynamic if not everyone in the group knows the game by heart. Why should I adapt to going fast if it ruins my gaming?
    Because you are one in a group of others. I'm not saying "learn to adapt" to be a d1ck, I really mean it. No everyone is going to enjoy your playstyle. If you're in a group of 2, then go ahead and ask to go slow, if someone doesn't agree, then leave.

    It's your fault because you didn't notice. You took off and assumed he would be behind you. By your own admission, you were "using your stealth skills". If you were stealthed, you had the 2 seconds it takes to ensure someone has your back. Instead, you engaged, and you died. Thats not his fault, it's yours. You can blame him for looting a chest all you want, but it's a simple fact that the onus is on you to not go all braveheart the enemy before checking to make sure people know what you're doing.

    If you don't like playing fast, then tell people. If they don't mind, they'll slow down. It is, however, incredibly self-centered to expect 5 other people to go at your pace. If they're ALL rushing, and you're unable to keep up, how is that their fault? You can't reasonably expect the needs of one person to dictate the rest of the groups behavior, and if you DO, then I can't help you.

    Reverse the situation. Would you consider speeding up if someone found your playstyle to plodding?
    Quote Originally Posted by Uskathoth View Post
    As opposed to the very sensible killing of hobgoblins and magical wizards. In Pretend-Land.

  5. #5
    Community Member Narmolanya's Avatar
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    I have an ideas. Instead of comlaining about other players playstyle why not put up your own LFM stating it will be a slow run. Then you can get exactly what you want out of the game.
    My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.

  6. #6
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    I never enjoy going slow. I enjoy going at a comfortable, upbeat tempo. On quest that I've ran 400 times you better believe I will be zerging, as most sane people will do that.

    I respect the fact that while I'm new quite a few players have been running the same quest for months or years. Its selfish for me to join one of their groups, and then expect them to hold my hand teaching me all the tricks.

  7. #7
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Sorry OP, sounds like you are the selfish one wanting "everyone else" to do what you want. And everyone else stopped to get a chest, while you zerged on to kill things not yet agro'd, your fault if you die.

    You want a different pace, start your group and put "slow run, doing all optionals" in the LFM. You may plan to short man as I doubt that will fill quickly.

  8. #8
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    I liken it to riding your bike the first time in a new neighborhood. First few times you are just having fun exploring, maybe with a buddy or two. You wonder where does this road go? What is down this dirt path? After awhile, you have objectives, like riding to the store for a tasty beverage, or riding to the baseball field with a bag of stuff, or going to someones house who just got the latest video game. You have a purpose, but your not in a rush. You still have a curfew, so your time is restrained. After awhile, you don't look down the side paths, you know which roads are dead ends, you want to get where you are going to do whatever it is you are doing there. The journey isn't invigorating anymore on its own because you know everything. Time becomes an issue, you want to get to the fun activity you have planned before you have to come in for the night. So getting there quicker means more fun in the end.

    When you are riding with others, you have to consider what they are doing. You going down the dead end road exploring when they are trying to get to wherever because they already been down that road isn't being socially conscience. Communicate, determine the objective, complete objective, have fun. Even if Bob has been down that road, maybe the next guy hasn't, and all you need to do is find him and start adventuring together.

    Been a long time since I rode bikes though

  9. #9
    Community Member r3dl4nce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narmolanya View Post
    I have an ideas. Instead of comlaining about other players playstyle why not put up your own LFM stating it will be a slow run. Then you can get exactly what you want out of the game.

  10. #10
    Community Member CBebopFan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    Sorry OP, sounds like you are the selfish one wanting "everyone else" to do what you want. And everyone else stopped to get a chest, while you zerged on to kill things not yet agro'd, your fault if you die.

    You want a different pace, start your group and put "slow run, doing all optionals" in the LFM. You may plan to short man as I doubt that will fill quickly.
    Read my post. It was me and one other guy. I was attacking rangers that were already aggro'd to us while he ignored them.

    It sounds like too many people are offended by a guy who defies the accepted MMO standard of rushing through absolutely everything. I guess I should just shut up and let players take advantage of newbies just to get a few Exp. I guess that would be best. >.>

    All I wanted was to hear from people who can relate. If some people are too offended, then gtfo.

    EDIT: Actually, I had fun playing with that guy in the party. I didn't come to the forum to rant about a bad experience I had with him. I just used that one bad situation we had to explain my original point. I didn't come here to rant. Other people managed to turn my thread into that, though. I gotta wonder why. I think I'm not the person with serious problems here. If I should expect people like I've seen in this thread in my parties, then maybe this game doesn't deserve my money. What a great way to welcome a new guy.
    Last edited by CBebopFan; 02-13-2010 at 10:22 AM.

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Community Member Arvess's Avatar
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    If you found a guy /girl who plays a similar style then thats great. Make sure you communicate the change in playstyle. from your original post, it seems as if you didn't communicate early enough or was particularly clear at that moment (both of you). This happens all the time. Within any given dungeon, there are places where slow works great and where charging in fast or running past mobs is better. If mobs respawn in an area, you don't want to hang out there taking things easy while endless streams of baddies eat up your resources. But both have to be on the same page.

    I like to go slow on some characters but when I do, its usually solo. Maybe one other. I do that maybe 10% of the time. Most times I prefer max xp (most optional and ransack and conquest bonuses) at a brisk pace. I tend to slow down soloing my wiz and bard.
    Touch of Death is like cake, covered in candy, doused in rainbows and sunshine, and frosted with the tears of small children. -SolarDawning

  13. #13
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    I play a rogue who likes to go slow thrue stuff. What works most is filling your friend list with similar playstyle people. Also at the start of the group say something like no "zerging please i wanna enjoy the quest" . If even after that the group tries to zerg I punish them by killing everything. Ruining the fun for them which i do either way though ;-)

  14. #14
    Community Member CBebopFan's Avatar
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    Thank you for your nice replies. I really appreciate that. Yes, I will try to communicate up-front with people. I think communication is the only way to prevent problems in play-styles.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBebopFan View Post
    I like to play DDO rather slowly, walking my way through dungeons. I mean, what's the rush? ...
    Buffs don't last forever. Casters don't have infinite number of spell points. Whenever you rebuff, you have less mana for crowd control, nuke, insta-kill and heal.

    Quote Originally Posted by CBebopFan View Post
    ...When I join groups, though, I usually end up with people that rush through everything. .
    And you will do the same when you have done that quest 100+ times.

    It's not just black and white, ebil zergers and so on. Some things are side effects of how DDO works. DDO game mechanics favor organized rush called "zerg".

  16. #16
    Community Member Stealthdog's Avatar
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    I'll echo others. If you join a group, play their playstyle. If you don't like their playstyle, create your own group and advertise how you want to play.

  17. #17
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    A lot of veterns who have run the same quest many times wil run past certain mobs and fights usually because they have come to the realization that some fights are not worth fighting. Archers in partucular are usually a waste of resources and typically don't pursue you into more advantageous battle area's.

    Communication is helpful, to co-ordinate the group, if unfamilar with the quest best to let the grp know upfront and they will adust accordingly.

    Generally I usually find it to be bad etiquette to loot a chest before the mobs are dealt with, but that may just be me.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
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  18. #18
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    Default I totally know what you mean...

    I've tried playing in groups on several toons, and I've decided to give up on it as much as I can. I think the people on this thread are under the impression that people playing the game will actually respect you when you ask them to do something.

    Seriously, to all of those who think the OP is selfish, try this experiment, go online right now and start a group with this as the description:

    Harbour Quests on normal, moderate pace please.

    Then wait for two hours. If you get more than 3 people asking to join, then come back here and lecture us about starting our own groups. Oh, and that doesn't count the two dozen or so people who join saying, "What quest? What difficulty? Oh, man, you've got to be kidding me, on normal?" or the ones who will join and zerg anyway.

    I appreciate people not wanting to slow down for newbies when the player has a speed driven goal, but it is just as easy for people who want to zerg through a quest to communicate as it is for people who want to go slowly. When was the last time you announced to a group, "I know this quest really well, I'm going to blitz through as fast as I can."

    I think the other posters are also forgetting that there is a game culture, both here and other places, that even rank noobs think they are experts and try and rush through everything. How many times have you adventured with someone who dies 4 times on hard, and then asks, "Hey how about elite?" If there is one person in the group zerging to get the most out of their rage or ki, you can bet that there are four more who are just doing it to prove that they are as good as everyone else.

    I agree that the original poster can't really blame his death on anyone else unless they had some sort of prior agreement about how some fight was going to go. But really think about what it is like to play with many groups in this game. How often have you seen people killed in traps because they didn't want to wait for the rogue, or get the whole party killed because one person went and started fighting a second group of monsters before the fist one had been killed. There is a place for speed, but there is also recklessness.

  19. #19
    Community Member Flasharte's Avatar
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    Default new player servers

    i thought that new players were directed to specific servers. servers that are mostly occupied with newer players should have groups that go slower. i thought that was the point.

    there have been several threads discussing this topic. mostly they result in both sides of the argument recycling the same tenets, without reaching a middle ground.
    Same here.

    People who have been playing long enough for the novelty of quests to wear off really can not enjoy the quest at a slow pace, it would be like playing chess with a 4 yr old. similarly, people who are new to the game have every right to get all they can out of that novelty, and furthermore prolly haven't got the stacks of 100 pots of every variety, uber gear, or usable familiarity with the quests to keep pace with others who do have that stuff.

    segregation seems the easiets solution. it is not fair to either side to have to play like the other.

    yes it might be hard to fill a group advertising (no zergers), but with dungeon scaling and hireling, you dont need to be full, especially if you are gonna go slow. Its also possible to do adventure areas while you wait to fill foir a quest, that way you feel like you are doing something other than standing around.

    so are there servers for new players still? or have they been around so long that they are full of zergers only now too?

    I played AC2, so I log in everyday expecting to see a message that the servers will be ending in 4 months. As such, every day they don't is a good day!! Play like the world will end, because it will.

  20. #20
    Community Member Thriand's Avatar
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    If you join a group that doesn't specifically specify slow play and you expect everyone else to play the way you want them to then you are the one being selfish. Now if people are joining a no zerging group and then proceeding to zerg then I would just call them rude.

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