What's the best multiclassed soloing build?
What's the best multiclassed soloing build?
WF Wiz18/rogue2
Exploiter build
Melee Favored Soul
WF Sorcerer
Comes down to what you want to play, really.
It is subjective on play style.
If you want speed, you need to be able to kill things in groups. Blade barrier and firewall are the main ways. You also need to be able to survive, quick healing being the best way. As such, clerics/fvs and warforged casters can do both. Other builds like exploiter ranger, warchanters, and even monks can solo, just not as fast.
Oh yah, that reminds me. I've seen the term "Exploiter build" thrown around. What is it?
It's 18 ranger/1 rogue/1 monk. The 18 ranger is for the tempest 3 (10% attack speed plus extra attack every four animations) for DPS and self-healing, the rogue is for trap skills, the monk is for AC. It's a versatility build, however it is best if you sort of already know what you're doing since you spread the stats rather thin (so 32 point is a lot better than 28 point), and you need some equipment to make it work very well. Also of course, defensively it only works if you have monk available to you.
I ran into a 2 rogue, 2 paladin, 3 sorc WF yesterday who was able to solo Tangleroot on Hard and Elite with relative ease. And when I say solo I mean he did everything, traps secret doors, self healing, melee'd almost everything, tank'd.
I dunno what build that is but it certainly seemed impressive to me on my pure barb. Maybe I'm just not experienced, but it has convinced me to try something similar in the future.
The Exploiter Build is an amazing Soloer. But that is after you have enough UMD for healscrolls, raid loot for an AC that matters, GS so you can kill stuff quickly ect..
I find that my ranger is very fun to solo with, and is great at soloing. But before i got all my loot and GS, i couldn't solo at all. For a new player, i do not recomend this build.
While this is a great soloer at endgame, i think you will find it hard to solo with this build to cap
Swez Sowan
Sowen Sown Sowyn
Well, I have all races, all classes, Vet status, 32 point.
What I don't have is amazing gear.
My highest character right now is a 4Pal/2Ran that I started from lvl 1.
What precisely do you mean by not that experienced?
I ask this because IF you have not played DDO but you have played other MMOs is different from have not played ANY game very much.
How are you with Hotkeys and clickies? I ask this because I am not very dexterous (in RL) as a result, I use more clickies than Hotkeys and this limits which builds I can use.
Your answers WILL effect my advice.
This is my third go at it. Played a month or so at launch. Played for a month some time ago.
I'm more of a clicker than a hotkey person, but after years of playing MMOs and FPSs, I'm really good at it.![]()
1) Move your bottom row icons up a bit. Then, string the clickies along the bottom. Put your most used clickies on the right (or hotkey them around WASD) and lesser used ones in the middle and least used on the left (or the other way around if you mouse with your left hand). This will put them out of the way as well as make them easy to access.
2) IF you are looking for dps, I would go with Vanshilar build but with one change. I would take either Rogue 2 or Monk 2. This is for Evasion - although with high enough saves or the ability to disarm traps, Evasion is less needed. Also, remember that Rogue do best with no or light armor and Monks NEED no armor.
IF you are looking for caster. Wizard17/Rogue1/Monk2 or Sorc18/Monk2 for arcane. Cleric 17/Rogue1/Monk2 or FvS 18/Monk2 for divine. The idea with Wiz combo is CC and some melee ability IF the mobs get to close as well as disarm traps as opposed to push on and pray. The Sorc combo is CC based as well but with more SP at the sacrifice of spell choices. The idea for the FvS/ Monk combo is a self buff melee. The idea for the Cleric combo is healing with buffs as well as trap avoid and armor buff from Monk. You get 2 9th level spells with Cle or Wiz at 17. So, you do not have to choose a splash in order to get Evasion.
Pick one that you seem to like best and I (we) can go from there.
Uh if I remember right, the Vanshilar build was a ranged elf ranger with 6 con or something like that (max str dex ftw!). Anyway the exploiter build will already get evasion from ranger levels at 9; the rogue level is for trap skills, and the monk level is for AC, so both are sorta needed for the build.
Vanshilar - you are right. I keep forgetting that you do not need Evasion on lower levels but it is just nice to have. Also, I occasionally get into PnP mode and forget that DDO does not give bonuses for repeats (like it usually does in PnP).
Also, I have been debating a level of Rogue in order to get more XP. My monk can usually "evade" most traps so I do not need to disarm them. Still, the +10% (or more) XP can be nice.
Soloing is just as much Mindset and Playstyle as it is build.
If you cannot think outside the box, the best build in the world wont help you solo better
This comes down to how do you want to solo? And how much?
A great way to solo is to sneak past everything, kill the end boss and finish out. You get fast xp this way (or so I'm told - this isn't what I do except on a very limited select quests). For this you need someone with great burst damage that hides really well. Some sort of arcane caster/rogue combo works well - maybe monk or ranger.
Personally I'm more interested in beating monsters up and taking thier stuff. I break boxes and clear dungeons. This takes more time. This takes more survivability. (HP, saves, will save, AC, immunities) The self-healing FVS is getting better at this.
Melleeing Arcane types with some self-healing and trap skills work out ok as well. (halfling dragon marks, WF, levels of Ranger/paladin, high umd etc all enable varying degrees of self healing other than pots)
The importance of meleeing is that swords don't run out of SP.
And a variety of other multiclassed toons without vowels thnk/r/s/rbll/sgmp
I've had some luck soloing with my Favored Soul, TWF of course. Minimal downtime, decent damage and heals. Paladins also solo well, but they run into the problem of limited SP pool. In my case, I splashed a level of Sorcerer. Odd? Sure, but that gives me Wand usage and a fair amount of SP due to my Charisma. 350 SP at level 7 as a Paladin is pretty nice. Divine Favor is up quite a bit =)
Self-Sufficient builds, in general, will allow you to solo effectively; whether it be through spells or umd.
Honestly though, don't choose a build because it soloes well. Choose it because it sounds fun. I'd hate to see someone get bored because they played a class that is said to be the "best".
Best =/= Most fun
Quoted and bolded for so much truth!