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  1. #41
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    Sorry, original post isn't 100% up to date.
    I swapped necro for enchantment a few months ago.

    Velkro's current CHA:
    • 18 Base
    • 5 Ability
    • 1 Human
    • 3 Tome (max:4)
    • 3 Sorc
    • 7 Item
    • 3 Exceptional
    • 2 Guild
    • 2 Amrath

    =44 (+17) Charisma
    (Once I get a +4 tome, I'll equip my Litany for 46)

    Mass Hold DC:
    10 Base
    9 Spell Level
    17 Charisma Mod
    1 Spell Focus: Enchantment
    2 Greater Enchantment Focus
    1 Spell-singer (max buffs)
    =39 (40 w/ bard)

    Kirlian: thanks for correcting me there. I forgot that the +2 CHA Yugo pot gave a -4 penalty to fort saves.
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  2. #42
    Community Member wigthemaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Not bad..

    Ya need to swap out some of the silly stuff you got for level 1 tho. (ff lol, magic missle? yea not really doing anything interesting at 20, mastertouch on a 8 str build?)

    Especially to get protection from evil. For a build with a dumpstat wis and dex, you could use the +2 saves. Not the mention the greater command other immunities.

    lvl1 spells should be:
    Nightshield (or shield), Protection From evil, Jump. IMO for an endgame sorc who runs hard content like raids or epic, these are pretty much must haves.
    Leaves ya 1 spot for whatever ya like at the time. Think I had ray of enfeeblement. Previously a must have for raid boss debuffing ,but nerfed now so it doesnt work on purple named. Still a good red named debuff however.
    His spell selection is for at 20 i believe. ff is a weird choice. i had magic missle until 20 where i swapped for master's touch. Which allows for no penalty on Greataxes. Only when i started running epic content with auto crits. If your not running epic content it's a free for all for that slot.

    Prot evil

    are the only NEEDED ones.

  3. #43
    Community Member wigthemaster's Avatar
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    Lvl 1: feather fall, Prot Evil, Night Shield, Jump
    Lvl 2: Web, Knock, Resist Energy, Blur
    Lvl 3: Haste, Frost Lance, Rage, Displacement
    Lvl 4: Firewall, Stoneskin, DDoor, Enervate
    Lvl 5: Prot Elements, Cone of Cold, Break Ench, CK
    Lvl 6: Gtr Hero, Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate
    Lvl 7: Finger of Death, Otto's Dancing Ball, DBF
    Lvl 8: Polar Ray, Irresistible Dance, Mass Charm
    Lvl 9: Wail Banshee, Energy Drain, Mass Hold
    Just for consideration this is my spell-book, works nicely.
    lvl 1: prot evil, jump, night shield, master's touch
    lvl 2: web, resist energy, blur, invisibility (for those pesky epics)
    lvl 3: haste, displacement, rage, fireball
    lvl 4: firewall, stone-skin, dd, fire-shield (definitely worth it.)
    lvl 5: prot elements, coc, break ench, cloudkill (probably only for VoD)
    lvl 6: same for now. was thinking of swapping F2S for Chain Lightning
    lvl 7: FoD, Otto's, Banish
    lvl 8: polar, otto's dance, incendiary cloud (which is up for consideration of swap just not much else out there)
    lvl 9: Wail, Meteor Swarm, Mass hold.

    Your energy drains are usually for mass hold (unless your running around in Amrath) so it would be more efficient to just hold them then hit with insta crits with a dreamspitter.

  4. #44
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wigthemaster View Post
    Just for consideration this is my spell-book, works nicely.
    lvl 1: prot evil, jump, night shield, master's touch
    lvl 2: web, resist energy, blur, invisibility (for those pesky epics)
    lvl 3: haste, displacement, rage, fireball
    lvl 4: firewall, stone-skin, dd, fire-shield (definitely worth it.)
    lvl 5: prot elements, coc, break ench, cloudkill (probably only for VoD)
    lvl 6: same for now. was thinking of swapping F2S for Chain Lightning
    lvl 7: FoD, Otto's, Banish
    lvl 8: polar, otto's dance, incendiary cloud (which is up for consideration of swap just not much else out there)
    lvl 9: Wail, Meteor Swarm, Mass hold.

    Your energy drains are usually for mass hold (unless your running around in Amrath) so it would be more efficient to just hold them then hit with insta crits with a dreamspitter.
    i like to have at least *some* neg level ability. i'd drop stoneskin (wand it) for enervate.

  5. #45
    Community Member shagath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wigthemaster View Post
    Just for consideration this is my spell-book, works nicely.
    lvl 1: prot evil, jump, night shield, master's touch
    lvl 2: web, resist energy, blur, invisibility (for those pesky epics)
    lvl 3: haste, displacement, rage, fireball
    lvl 4: firewall, stone-skin, dd, fire-shield (definitely worth it.)
    lvl 5: prot elements, coc, break ench, cloudkill (probably only for VoD)
    lvl 6: same for now. was thinking of swapping F2S for Chain Lightning
    lvl 7: FoD, Otto's, Banish
    lvl 8: polar, otto's dance, incendiary cloud (which is up for consideration of swap just not much else out there)
    lvl 9: Wail, Meteor Swarm, Mass hold.

    Your energy drains are usually for mass hold (unless your running around in Amrath) so it would be more efficient to just hold them then hit with insta crits with a dreamspitter.
    Level drains are against epic casters(not drow anymore) & tod orthon flesh-to-stones. Why there's fireball? For doors? I would recommend to scroll break ench in a favor of anything else and swap Banish for a real fireball, DBF. You can kill everything you are gonna banish very easily with elemental damage.. Or wail.

    I can't get my head around why normal fireball.
    Last edited by shagath; 12-21-2010 at 11:41 AM.

    :: [ Air Savant - Level 160 ] ::

  6. #46
    Community Member wigthemaster's Avatar
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    Why there's fireball? For doors?
    hell yeah. (i can only swap so many spells so soon.)

  7. #47
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    i use my house P quest eternal wand of burning hands for doors, personally.

  8. #48
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    i currently need another toon for a mule and as i dont have any casters i decided to follow this build.
    i just ran some of the korthos village quest without any problems.
    i am looking forward to leveling this character.
    thanks for sharing this build info.

    +1 rep added
    if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
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  9. #49
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    Thanks thouston!
    Keep us updated! I want to hear how the build works out.
    If you have any questions, reply here, or PM me!
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  10. #50
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    Sorry for not updated this build yet. I'm still in Europe traveling at the moment - so I don't know enough about the Sorc Prestiges yet.

    I think I might suggest Fire for low levels, then switch to Water or Air.... not sure yet.
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  11. #51
    Community Member Asketes's Avatar
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    WELCOME back big dog!

    How was Europe? /drool
    (Perma) - Khyber - Official Helpers Guild Noob
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Grease is an extremely valuable party buff.

  12. #52
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    Not back yet.
    A few more days!!! Very soon.
    ...but thanks
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  13. #53
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    in regard to lvl-ing this char...

    I know someone asked already, but besides swapping FF for niacs, any other changes? For lvl 1 spells, i was thinking maybe a charm, or hypnotize, so i can solo better. Any thoughts?

  14. #54
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    Sorry, I've been meaning to write a "leveling up this character" post... but I haven't done it yet. With the release of the Savant Prestiges, there are going to be some big changes in the spell-book of this character.

    However, in the mean-time, you are right: Protection of Evil and Night Shield are more useful later in the game. Early on, the CC spells suck as Hypno, and Charm can make solo-ing a bit easier. I always take Hypno. Quests from levels 1-5 really like to contain teams of kobalds. Hypno used to be a really good way to freeze them, and pick them off one by one. I haven't tried since the spell changes... I believe it was changed to not last as long?
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  15. #55
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    It doesn't last as long, but it's a lot easier to reapply thanks to the fact that it lowers the opponent's will save for longer than the actual hypnotism lasts.
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
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  16. #56
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    Ok, a few small things have changed with the introduction of Savants.
    In my opinion - choose Fire/Water for low levels, then choose Water/Air for end-game.

    Right now Velkro is Water-specced... and it's really nice. The Single-target damage of Water Savant is really nice, especially in boss-fight raids.

    Here is my new spell list:

    Current Spell List (Water Savant):

    1 Small change to the feat list. I got SF: Evocation, and lost Greater Spell Pen.
    I bumped the lvl 6,9,12,15 feats to later so that you can get your PrE at level 6 (SLA rocks)
    Here is my new feat list:

    1 Sorcerer (Feat) Empower (Human Feat) Toughness
    3 Sorcerer (Feat) Extend
    6 Sorcerer (Feat) Spell Focus: Evocation or Past Life: Sorcerer*
    9 Sorcerer (Feat) Maximize
    12 Sorcerer (Feat) Heighten
    15 Sorcerer (Feat) Spell Focus: Necromancy (Enchantment if you plan on Epics)
    18 Sorcerer (Feat) Spell Penetration
    Last edited by Goldeneye; 07-13-2011 at 04:55 PM.
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  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldeneye View Post
    Ok, a few small things have changed with the introduction of Savants.
    In my opinion - choose Fire/Water for low levels, then choose Water/Air for end-game.[/INDENT]
    at what level would you make the switch?
    if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
    if life gives you pickles, well you're screwed. because pickleade sucks.

  18. #58
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    I actually never switched savants when leveling. Since Velkro is much, much older then the Savant enhancements, I've never had to make that swap.

    Though, I would probly do:
    • Fire levels 1->14
    • Water levels 15-20

    If anyone reading this has recently leveled a savant, I'd be curious what you would advise.
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  19. #59
    Community Member Isharah's Avatar
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    Get crushing despair, it gives a big will save penalty for a short duration right after casting.

    Fire/Water for lower levels - IMO Fire/Acid would be better, assuming you primarily spec water savant. Fire gets a big hit from the water savant enhancements, and at lower levels, whatever you can't nuke with fire, you can nuke with an acid (no deficiency, so the AP you put on acid is not to make up for deficiencies but rather to boost it up further). Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Ball lightning or chain lightning is good for high-damage spell rotation. Other spells good for rotation: polar ray, otiluk's freezing sphere, frost lance, frost lance SLA (if you get a dead second there), and the two dot spells you already have.

    Referring to your gear set-up:
    Current Gear Layout:
    Helmet: Minos Legens
    Goggles: Concord Opposition: +10hp, +150sp, +5 Cha Skills. (link)
    Armor: Dragontouched: Res+5, Healing 20%, Greater Spell Pen VIII
    Bracers: Glacier
    Boots: Delving
    Gloves: Glacier
    Ring: Epic Ring of the Silver Concord. Charisma+7, Command (+2 UMD), Crafted: Exceptional Charisma +1
    Ring: Occult Slayer - Strength +6, Exceptional Con +1 Crafted: Exceptional Charisma +2
    Belt: Occult Slayer - Constitution +6, Greater False Life
    Cloak: Epic Cloak of Night: Invisibility Guard, Ghostly, Deathblock, Nightmare Guard, Dodge Bonus +2, DR 5/Good
    Neck: Torin's Choker: Superior Potency VI
    Trinket: Head of Good Fortune / Eardweller

    What I still need:
    Torc of Prince-Raiyum-de II
    Greensteel HP item.
    Edit: Added Epic Cloak of Night
    You might want to try this out (gear for higher damage output and survivability, same DCs):
    Helmet: Epic Helm of Frost
    Goggles: Concord Opposition (pure SP)
    Armor: whatever gravy...
    Bracers: Bracers of the Glacier
    Boots: Epic Boots of Corrosion/ToD boots on the raid
    Gloves: GS (pure HP)/Vile blasphemy/Epic Charged Gauntlets (to keep set bonus while in ToD, gravy)
    Ring: Warchanter's Band (put exc cha)
    Ring: Telvi's Touch (put exc con)
    Belt: Telvi's Sash (set bonus and clicky)
    Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak
    Neck: Torin's Choker/Noxious Embers (clicky)
    Trinket: Litany/Eardweller (clicky)/Bauble (clicky)
    Weapon: Epic Staff of Inner Sight/Staff of the Petitioner/Ornamented dagger (lvl 16 version rocks... check it out)

    1. Abishai set would give you +3 to your evoc caster level, which is very good for nuking. On your current gear set-up, MCL = 28 and CL = 26.
    Max Attainable CL on Polar Ray: 25 + 3(savant) + 2(Telvi's set) = 30
    CL on Polar Ray: 20 + 6(savant) + 3(abishai set) + 1(that silly robe from harbinger chain) = 30
    2. You might also want to work on your UMD to be able to self-heal without failure chance. You should be a bit short of having 40 UMD with your current gear set-up.
    3. Slot your epic stuff with GFL, toughness, heavy fort, and whichever exc+1 stat you're missing.
    4. With toughness you should get to 500+ HP fully buffed.
    5. Note on investing on concord opp items and torc: keep in mind that in epics and high level raids, you DO NOT WANT TO GET HIT. Therefore concord opp stuff on such occasions is pretty useless.
    6. Note on investing on situational items: make a cold absorb GS weapon so you can tank shadows in normal ToD.

    Reading/posting more after I unlazy-fy myself. x_x
    Last edited by Isharah; 07-24-2011 at 11:30 PM.

  20. #60
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    Really great points - I do agree. Once I get the boots seal, my gear layout will be almost exactly what you posted there. I completely forgot to update the gear layout since Savants.

    ...though I do think gear layouts are silly - by the time someone gets their Epic Abishai Set done (just 1 more seal!) - they full well know what's good.
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