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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Question Ranger/Bard/Caster

    Hey all

    EDIT: Title should be Ranger/Rogue/Caster Dunno why it says Bard

    So I've been playing with an idea, it stems from roleplaying but its going to be an Arcane Archer Trapmonkey, and I was wondering if taking a few levels in Wizard/Bard/Sorc would be worth the effort, pretty much the spread would be 11rgr/1rog/7caster.
    I tend to play skills based, so I like to be a support character that can solo, able to trapmonkey, heal, splash damage and debuff. I don't mind using wands. Pretty much it comes down to what would be more useful Bard with high UMD or Wiz/Sorc with healing wands?

    I prefer ranged but am also keeping weapon finesse for when the fighting comes to my doorstep or we need another fighter in the group.

    Thanks for the help, and I brought the fire extinguisher for the flamers
    Last edited by Starchaser115; 02-12-2010 at 01:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    a BRD with ROG splash may fill what you want. A 18 BRD with 2 ROG could trapmonkey...have evasion and DPS fairly well (if set up correctly) Also with lotsa native skills and could fill a ton of rolls in a party as support.

    I have been considering such a build myself...but have baisically decided to roll with a pure BRD for the +inspire courage. But the listed above build would be more versatile.

    You can head to the BRD forums and look more in depth. But baisically you take ROG at first lvl for the glut of skill points...then take ROG later to flesh out disable device and other non-brd skills.

  3. #3
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    And if Arcane Archer was a prereq? (Edit: AA is a prereq of the build. The build will also use either human or drow elf. AA is a prereq because I prefer playing ranger with their skill set, I've experimented and know my playing style is kiting and the Ranger feats work, so I'm trying to spice up the game by adding a caster side)
    Last edited by Starchaser115; 02-12-2010 at 09:50 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    ahhh gotya maybe you could try 12(or6 RNG) and 6 (or 12BRD) with 2 lvls of ROG (for traps)

    Would give you AA and nice songs and tempest either way. Just up to you...but consider this 7 lvls of BRD gives you haste and many other nice BRD spells.

  5. #5
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    Would it be more worth it to UMD arcane damage wands and be bard or to use healing wands and have wizard for arcane spells?

  6. #6
    Community Member Emizand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bacab View Post
    Would give you AA and nice songs and tempest either way.
    Taking AA precludes tempest

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starchaser115 View Post
    And if Arcane Archer was a prereq? (Edit: AA is a prereq of the build. The build will also use either human or drow elf. AA is a prereq because I prefer playing ranger with their skill set, I've experimented and know my playing style is kiting and the Ranger feats work, so I'm trying to spice up the game by adding a caster side)
    Careful though, kiting works well solo or in an all ranged party but can get you hated in groups. Make sure you can melee when you need too. (Don't dump strength nor constitution.)
    Eridies level 19 wizard.
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  8. #8
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    Just to refocus

    If I was to go AA, would bard w/ UMD or wizard be more useful
    and if i was tempest, same question, which caster works well with which prestige?

    And I'd be using Drow so the starting spread would be 10 minimum for everything

  9. #9
    Community Member Jakarr's Avatar
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    Ya might be lookin for a build I did a bit ago, I'v sence rerolled the char and went another route but here

    Thou with the AA Pres the Point is to get to the 3rd Tier for the Slayer

    I'd go with something like this.

    Either 18 Ranger/1 rogue/1 Monk/fighter

    Or go Elf(Must be a elf AA can be a Racial Pres)and go with a few other types of builds like 12 ranger/6 fighter/2 rogue

    All in all UMD>then Wizard lvls, With wizard lvls you either go lvl 11(this is pretty much only for WF type builds) or go 18/20. Sometimes ya can go 5 wizard for some self-haste and displancement but meh its really not worth it.

    Side Note---Bard AA=Elf 15 Bard/2 Fighter(feats)/3 Rogue, Or 18 Bard/2 Rogue, Sence most ppl just look for songs and a few buffs when they grp a Bard its no biggie what else ya do. Could Actually be a fun build....
    Last edited by Jakarr; 02-12-2010 at 10:55 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    D&D promotes gang activity? Ya, because when I meet a bunch of Crypts I obviously assume they are all D20 players.
    What a stupid ruling, we all know that D&D promotes satanism, not gangs.
    In-Game Eldgrim The Gray-FvS Life Now

  10. #10
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    Yeah the bard/rogue sounds like a good build.
    A 12/7/1 split of rgr, wiz and rog for a drow, focus on debuff/buff and splash damage with spells and wands to heal, how would that work?


    Edit: I guess a sort of Swashbuckler/Druid meld
    Last edited by Starchaser115; 02-12-2010 at 12:20 PM.

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