~ Slayer of the Unwashed, Vice Chair for Disinterest & Apathy of the Grand & Glorious Brotherhood
of the Soooo Not Politically Correct, and Nefarious Devourer of Frosted Goodness ~
♪♫…clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am…♫ ♪
"To cast firewalls at your enemies, (and watch them burn)
To see them flee before you (until FoD them),
And to hear the lamentations of the women. (Because you charmed them).
Wave + Acid Fog + Slow. Dont forget Slow. Hard to land in Shavarath, but works great most everywhere else
Speaking of Shavarath and wizard satisfaction: going around with a DC40+ on Wail in Shavarath and lucking out and cleaning up a room on elite in one cast (in the spots where nothing's deathblocked, obviously). Thats satisfying.