What I have Got: (All weapons etc are normal ML's cept ones listed)
+2 con, x3 str, dex wis. int tomes
x3 Blue dragon Scale
x2 black scale
Wisdom +4 helm ML 7 (Human)
Dex boots +4 ML 7 elf/drow
+2 Shock Burst LS of Grt Abb Bane
+5 Holy Burst Maul of PG ML 16 (Dorf)
Mace of Smiting 50k
PoP X 40 k
+1 Transmuting Scimitar of Smiting
+3 Wounding of punturing Shortbow
+5 Mettaline Handaxe of pg
+2 holy heavy mace of weight 5%
+2 Holy burst Kopesh of pg
+1 Kopesh of Smiting
Epic Scroll of Bloodstone
Epic Scroll of Sword of Shadows ***
Shavrath Iron
+3 Anarchic Burst Kopesh of Great Construct Bane (Lvl 18) *** Better trade well or I keep
+2 Vorpal Kopesh of pg
Prolly anything that drops out of VoN I cannot remember em all.. Just ask
Looking for:
(Have lots of plat for items below as well)
Demon's blood
Firestorm Greaves
Spec Gloves
Ring of the Ancestors
Teleport mask
Red Dragon Scales/Large scales