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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default help, duo monk build

    Ok, so I'm duoing with a friend. He is a wizard of some sort. I made a monk but used a prebuilt. I am a new player and went VIP status. I do not have 32 point builds yet, however do have drow availability. Since making the monk I've enjoyed playing him, but have heard how bad a selection I made because I used a prebuilt monk. So I'm hoping someone can help me make a custom monk. I'm looking for a monk that has quick attack speed, high AC and decent damage output. I expect to be the first into battle, so basicly the tank of our duo. Being noob, I don't know much about items, quest, tombs or the like, but expect I will as I progress in the game more. Any help is appreciated. I went looking for something that I wanted already but didn't see anything that stood out as my bulid. When you post, please let me know the stats your posting rather then just numbers. Never sure what number belongs to what without it labeled. Thanks in advance for you help!!

    Here are my starting stats that I have so far, from the research that I have done. I'm not sure on feats and enhancements yet....

    Str 14
    Dex 18
    Con 10
    Int 8
    Wis 14
    Cha 8

    Any suggestions? Is this a viable play option for us? Any help is appreciated...

  2. #2
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Take a couple of points out of dex and put more points in con for sure. With only 10 con you won't be able to get any of the higher tiers of earth stance which provides you access to the best ki strike. You can take dex down to 16 and either get a +2 tome or put two level up points into it before you get to 18 for tier 4 wind stance. You probably don't have WF available to you, but if you are duoing with your friend a lot and he is an arcane caster a WF would provide nice synergy since your friend would be able to heal you.

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