I started playing DDO again with my old account from back when I initially pre-ordered the game. I only played DDO for several months and like many others, maxed out my main character within the first month.
I am wondering if some veterans can point me to some of the major changes that have happened since the beginning. I know some MMOs have a list of all the past update notes.
In particular all my original characters seem weak in comparison to new characters I started. For example, I have a rogue at lvl 5 that couldn't hit a **** thing, like 6 misses for every hit, even on solo and normal quests several lvls below him. I know there is no way that I got that character up to lvl 5 with that kind of hit rate when the game started. I leveled up a new rogue to 4 prior to reactivating my account just to get the hang of the game again and he was easily able to land hits with just the TWF feat. I picked up weapon finesse for my old rogue at 6 and that has helped a bit, but my lvl 4 rogue still has a way better hit rate.
Fortunately my lvl 10 cleric seems ok, but hes mostly a healbot for now.
I am just kind of stunned how gimp my old rogue feels. Looks like my only option is to use a reincarnation.
Some other questions for old account activation:
1. Do I not get tubine points for all my pre-existing favor?
2. Have they changed xp awards? I have a few lvl 1 and 2 characters that have more quests done than some of my new characters, but they are 2-3 lvls lower than the new characters. Same with my old rogue, he had all the way up past deleras tomb completed but my new rogue was lvl 4 almost 5 without leaving the harbor.
3. Was there any changes to UMD?