So - i play mainly in a 4-man static team. FvS, Wizard, Monk, Paladin with rogue splash. We're all in the 11-13 range at the moment. Due to some nice drops we've had, we're moderatly well equipped for people who've only been playing 3 months (Couple of +2 tomes each, +5 and 6 stat items, some named loot, Fvs and Pally have metalline of pure good weapons). Also, we all know what we're doing (at least we think we do...)
Generally, we do quests at the level they're labelled as, then do them again on hard once we've normalled them. We rarely have any issues finishing quests, if we do fail once we always get them the 2nd time after we've had a think. The only quest we've come across at the moment we can't do easily on hard is Invaders!
Last week, we went to Tempest Spine. Mainly the plan was to have a look around so we'd be ready for joining a raid sometime, but we managed to complete the raid by ourselves (took a little while, but we only had 1 death, and that was a silly one to a bunch of trash mobs).
Now i understand Tempest Spine is the easiest raid to do, and that we were above level for it (all 11 or 12 at the time of running it). I've also heard that Zawabi's Revenge is supposed to be quite hard.
My question is this - is it conceivable for a 4-man group to be able to do this raid? We'll only be going in on normal, and we'll all be in the 12-14 range at the time. Gear wise we should have the bases covered (except the monk, finding transmuting handwraps of good is like winning the lottery). Or are we just not going to be able to do certain parts due to lack of manpower? (without giving me spoilers, we like to go into stuff relativly clueless, it's more fun that way)