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  1. #1
    Community Member seskie1's Avatar
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    Default Reroll or is this worth saving

    Feats: toughness, kopesh, TWF
    STR:22 total havnt used tome yet +6 item
    Con:18 from +2 tome and +6 item
    Dex:22 +2 tome and item
    Charisma:22 no tome used yet

    it's because I have been just dispersing the lvl up stat bonus all over the map and feel that I may have made him too weak, do I reroll or what can I do at lvl15 to ensure keeping some of the items, don't think we get times back.
    Last edited by seskie1; 08-23-2010 at 04:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Don't reroll.

    If it comes down to it you can just Lesser Reincarnate to fix your stats.

    But what are they base? It's more important that we see what they started as, then know what tomes and items you're using than to see the total number at the end.

  3. #3
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    wait until greater res is restored and then respecc him in a better way. Unfortunately you are a bit mediocre on stats for end game. Keep at it and be patient for the greater res and then just redo him according to how you want him to be.
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  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Rasczak View Post
    wait until greater res is restored and then respecc him in a better way.
    He's a Drow, just a lesser reincarnation +1 is all he needs. Got 1500 TP?

    Your STR, optimally, would be 20 something with level ups, not counting enhancements/feats/item bonuses... I started at 16.
    It looks like your DEX is too high and your CON is too low, for the stats and tomes you're showing. You've used a +2 DEX tome, so start that at 15. Toss those salvaged points into CON. Unless you're trying to maximize the DEX bonus to AC (which is 3 if you have mithral plate), you don't need more than that. Pick up TWF for your second feat. Your dex tome will kick in 1 point by then, and at levels 8 and 12 you'll also meet the requirements for improved/greater TWF.
    What's your WIS? The usual 8/9 +6/+5?
    How'd you get your CHA to 22 already? my pally has 16 base, +5 item at the moment. remember, you need 20 base (counting tomes) at level 20 for divine might 4.

    A moot but arguable point, why khopesh? raiper main, shortsword offhand... save the feat for something else.

  5. #5
    Community Member seskie1's Avatar
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    Default Extremely sorry about late reply

    This was originally posted at an ungodly hour after a rough night and I guess I forgot that I posted it, I suppose my build was why I wasn't doing as much damage as I had liked. Well I did a lesser restoration and changed stats around a bit and so far its been good, please offer any suggestions. (during the rebuilding I took the kopesh and improved crit. slash feats and while the damage is great I'm wondering if it will be worth it running shroud with vorpals and then holysword spell kopeshes) currently I'm waiting for enough cash or points to procure +2 cha and +2 STR tomes, which ever comes first to help even more.

    New Stats:
    STR: 16 base + 4level + +6 item = 26 waiting for tome

    Dex: base 14 +2tome +1 lvl = enough to fill +5 mith and get itwf

    Con 12 base + 2tome + 6 item = 20

    Wis = 8 base +6 item for 14 total

    Charisma: 16 base +6 item = 22 waiting for +2 tome

    Yes I know this might not be the perfect build but it's a lot better then before, and I feel that Charisma is a must to deal some Pally damage and other little ups and down to make me happy because at the end I'm going to be playing this guy for a long time, going to try to get to lvl 20 at lvl 17 at the moment.
    Last edited by seskie1; 08-23-2010 at 04:09 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    I don't see anything wrong with that at all. You could have chosen to go a higher initial charisma, or have more level up points in charisma, to play into the charisma bonuses for the drow. But going more strength instead is perfectly legitimate too.

    Having to put the points into dex for the TWF feats is going to drain any paladin build, forcing hard compromises. This is quite fine as far as I can see.
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  7. #7
    Community Member seskie1's Avatar
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    Default Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by arminius View Post
    I don't see anything wrong with that at all. You could have chosen to go a higher initial charisma, or have more level up points in charisma, to play into the charisma bonuses for the drow. But going more strength instead is perfectly legitimate too.

    Having to put the points into dex for the TWF feats is going to drain any paladin build, forcing hard compromises. This is quite fine as far as I can see.
    I totally understand, I was thinking the same thing but considering this is my first DDO character and I'm getting used to the extra attention a pally needs (clickies and spells) I didn't want to overburden the first time. When I get the opportunity to do a TR and am used to the game-play then this toon will be more Charisma based. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have gone the twf Drow if it wasn't for Drizzt Do'Urden.

  8. #8
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    Oh, why don't you list the paladin enhancements for charisma? 16 with a +6 item is 22, add +2 tome for 24, add two enhancement points (the third is expensive) for 26. I'd say most paladins have a 28, give or take, so you aren't off by much. An exceptional charisma item or +3 tome + the 3d enhancement gets you to 28 if you are really dying to.

    An 18 pure charisma with the tome also gets you most of the way into the DM line of enhancements. Two level up points takes you all the way there, with a 20 pure score and potential for 30 total.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasczak View Post
    wait until greater res is restored and then respecc him in a better way. Unfortunately you are a bit mediocre on stats for end game. Keep at it and be patient for the greater res and then just redo him according to how you want him to be.
    He is a drow and only needs lesser to fix him as greater will do nothing for him since he cant be a 32pt build

    Beware the Sleepeater

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robnar View Post
    He's a Drow, just a lesser reincarnation +1 is all he needs. Got 1500 TP?

    Your STR, optimally, would be 20 something with level ups, not counting enhancements/feats/item bonuses... I started at 16.
    It looks like your DEX is too high and your CON is too low, for the stats and tomes you're showing. You've used a +2 DEX tome, so start that at 15. Toss those salvaged points into CON. Unless you're trying to maximize the DEX bonus to AC (which is 3 if you have mithral plate), you don't need more than that. Pick up TWF for your second feat. Your dex tome will kick in 1 point by then, and at levels 8 and 12 you'll also meet the requirements for improved/greater TWF.
    What's your WIS? The usual 8/9 +6/+5?
    How'd you get your CHA to 22 already? my pally has 16 base, +5 item at the moment. remember, you need 20 base (counting tomes) at level 20 for divine might 4.

    A moot but arguable point, why khopesh? raiper main, shortsword offhand... save the feat for something else.
    doenst even need a lesser +1 just a plain old lesser

    Beware the Sleepeater

  11. #11
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    Just use a lesser reincarnation and you will be good just adjust your stats and keep this guy nothing wrong with him really I have a drow paladin and love him

    Beware the Sleepeater

  12. #12
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    He is a drow and only needs lesser to fix him as greater will do nothing for him since he cant be a 32pt build
    I did mean that so very true, need to learn to use the right terms when I'm not thinking straight
    Don't let common sense stop you...
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasczak View Post
    I did mean that so very true, need to learn to use the right terms when I'm not thinking straight
    No harm no foul its not like its a big deal or anything in fact I am not sure it would let his character buy a greater or not we will have to see when they bring them back.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  14. #14
    Community Member seskie1's Avatar
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    Default Thank you for the advice everybody

    If it wasn't for midterms I would've replied to each of you individually but alas as there is no time I hope a +1 to rep will be sufficient. As I will be heading off into my first ever shroud run, if we can find a season veteran to guide me and my friends, I will be researching all Items that will help em the most and narrowing it down to a choice few. As I peruse the list I can correctly do a lesser reincarnation if need be to re-stack any stats that I feel can be moved around. At the moment since I run with a few friends, which sometimes include no cleric I have sacrificed some of the damage he could be dealing for the 4 ress. if it comes down to it, so I know eventually I will have to fix him up again. Thank you for the advice everybody and than you Arminius for your exceptionally thought out response.

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