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Lvl 8 (Rank 36) Dwarven Paladin (Custom Build)
Prestige: Paladin Deffender of Siberys (AC Specialized Tank.)
Unbuffed/Full Buff (Personal) Posting your starting stats would be more helpful
Str: 18/20 Hit Points: seems low. My reincarnated evasion paladin has 190 at 8th level
Dex: 13/13
Con: 14/16
Int: 8/8
Wis: 14/14
Cha: 21/21--Having a high charisma is nice for a paladin but your charisma really shouldn't be higher than your strength for a tank build
Damage Reduction: 0/5 (Evil)
Used Items:
Head: Helm of Wizardry 2: +50 Spell points.
Neck: ---
Eyes: Goggles of Minute Seeing: +5 Search--what do you need these for? If it's for finding hidden doors, I'd get a clicky
Armor: +5 Mithril Full Plate
Wrists: +3 Ogre Power Bracers
Ring 1: Ring of Shield of Faith--Potions don't take up an inventory slot. Better used for a protection or resistance item or something
Boots: Feather Fall Boots
Hands: +3 Dexterity Gloves
Ring 2: ---
Belt: +2 Health Belt--+3? I'd find an improved false life belt and put constitution on your neck or ring
Back: +3 Charismatic Cloak--+3?
Trinket: ---
Used Weapons: Mains: +4 Dwarven Axe, +3 Ghost Touch Warhammer of Pure Good, +1 Hold Dwarven Axe of Pure Good
Alts: +4 Warhammer, Giant Stalker's Knife, +1 Ghost Touch Dwarven Axe of Pure Good, +4 Great Axe, +1 Adamantine Returning Throwing Axe, Muck Bane.
Shields: +5 Heavy Steel Shield, +3 Lesser Fire Guard heavy Steel Shield of Light Fortification
Paladin Armor Class Boost 1 & 2: I don't think the boosts are really that helpful due to their short duration and APs are precious for a paladin. However they are needed for DoS so you've gotta take 'em
Dwarven Armor Mastery 1 & 2: These are a must for the AC intimitanks. However, your max dex is going to be 20 (10+6+2tome) excluding any high end-game gear like the ToD rings, only giving you a +4 dex modifier so you wouldn't be able to max out +5 MFP. The Dragontouched armor is a +1 max dex so you could potentially get the max out of that armor with dwarven armor mastery
Dwarven Constitution 1:
Dwarven Faith 1 & 2: Spell points really aren't a deal-breaker for paladins and you'll need your APs elsewhere later on
Dwarven Shield Mastery: If you're pinched for APs, you may want to drop this. The blocking DR can be nice, however, esp when combined with one of the end-game shields
Paladin Courage of Good 1: only as much as you need for DoS
Paladin Bulwark of Good 1: Max this out
Paladin Focus of Good: only as much as you need for DoS
Where is Resistance of Good? You need that for DoS, I think
Paladin Extra Lay on Hands:
Paladin Defender of Siberys 1
Paladin Energy of the Templar: not that necessary if not a pre-req
Paladin Divine Might 1: take this to 3rd rank