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Thankyou. That is exactly what I need. And I appreciate that you kept my desire for AC in mind, as well as the DoS Prestige. I will diffinately do this now/as/when I can. I see many of your thoughts are the same as those I had been thinking.
A few questions/explanations for you, now.
-If I shouldn't use +5 MFP, what should I use until Dragon Touched?
-I was told 14 Wis is a need for the highest level spells, should I go back and make it lower so that I can simply use Stat Items for it?
-So far, Devine Might seems to do nothing to the over all Buff score. Do I simply not see it? Or is something overlapping it and not stacking. Will maxing it out make it stand out?
-I always wondered if False life was better then Con. Con helps the Fort saves, does it have any other use besides that?
-The goggles, yeah... I felt stupid for putting those in the description, just there to give SOMETHING to him, thinking about getting Blindness Ward for it.
-Seen the term SOOO often, but... it means like a hotkey, or a spot on the number bars below, right?
-ToD Rings? What is ToD?
-Pally spells, 11 wisdom for lvl one, 12 Wisdom for lvl 2? Right?
- Yes, to the "+3?" I mean +3 CHA.
-I worry about not boosting my CHA or having it high, because I do enjoy many of the abilities that are made better by Higher CHA
I am worried about making a Build Plan to 20. I haven't gone that far yet, as you can see with my prior discussion. I go day by day, lvl by lvl. Unless I reroll a Pally, I like to focus on the here and now. It makes it less confusing for me. I have rerolled my Trap Monkey, and my Ranger. The Ranger is the BEST he can be at his lvl, and I urge any other to prove me wrong. (Bow spec, though.)
My Trap Monkey has flaws, but those flaws make him better than almost any other Rogue out there at doing what he does. I know, I am sure there are others better, but, at his lvl, I know they are VERY far and in between.
I'm not asking for handouts. I have asked from group members, but never begged. It was often a spur of the moment thing. Because I find it hard to believe a lvl 20 can make 1mil gold in an hour (Swiftly becoming my comparison).
I am offering a service now. And the gold/items I am asking for is greatly understandable, or I would hope. Not to mention that what I consider god money, seems to be chump change. x.x
As well, I thank you, that is exactly what I was asking for.