Hey guys.
A few things you may wish to know before you extend some help on my issue.
I am hopeless at re-rolling toons over and over in the attempt to find the one that hits my fancy that i enjoy playing and to be quite honest this game is a LOT more difficult to understand and follow as far as customisation of character construction is concerned.
What i was hoping for was if i can tell you all what kind of character over what games i have played in the past, you may be able to offer me some options based on what i've played before.
Typically i have chosen casting type characters (Bard, Enchanter from EQ 1 and 2 / Warlock, Priest, Druid from WoW ) but all i have seemed to have rolled so far are melee based toons in DDO since i got the impression from the forums that they are simpler to understand for a new character.
I tend to play one toon solidly once i find the one, in an attempt to master it.
So far i have tried low level toons of each of the builds that i have read up on.
A bard, Archon type fighter/rogue, a monk and a cleric. i was always to worried to try a wizard or sorc in the fear of screwing it up or from information lending the idea that they are for the more advanced player.
The kind of character i would like to play is a heavy support toon that has some solo ability in the time away from grouping up with others. The bard from EQ is quite similar to the bard in DDO in the sense that it cant melee all that well and has songs that can fill just about any party member albeit not as well as they pure counterpart. A character that works well and is wanted in groups is what i would be after. I'm very much a team player.
I was thinking perhaps a bard, cleric or wiz/sorc might be what i am after since from what i have read they have a lot of utility to other party members via buffs and heals or by debuffing the monsters to aid the party. I am however limited to a 28 point build but and i'm unsure what is going to be viable for me to try since i am obviously poor being new to the game and limited experience.
Just wanted to see what others can offer me to try to better limit myself to the role i want to fill.
If anyone has some links to information or builds or are prepared to put together a level by level build for me would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.