as title says, I need 2 Flawless Siberys Dragonshards.. and I'll pay for them with 1 Large Devil Scale. Look me up in game.
Eldanti, Everlynn, Stonespliter, Donatelli, Walkagain, Arakais
as title says, I need 2 Flawless Siberys Dragonshards.. and I'll pay for them with 1 Large Devil Scale. Look me up in game.
Eldanti, Everlynn, Stonespliter, Donatelli, Walkagain, Arakais
You do realise how much more farming is required for the two shards, right?
Khyber - Hellmoob / Mellhoob (Capped) Octal / Qtpy (In Training)
How about some challenging content, Turbine? Thanks in advance.
I realize that the farming for 2 flawless (1,000,000 fragments) is able to be done solo, while doing other things... continually throughout the week, while getting a large devil scale requires running the Shroud once per toon, every 3 days, in hopes it drops.
I also know that many many people need the large devil scale, while very few need a flawless.