I keep getting the same problem:
General Descripton:
When in an intense fight and the fight lasts longer, the game partially seems to hang in the following manner: I can keep swinging but will not hit and will not get hit myself. Onscreen combat messages cease just like messages in the combat/text panel. This situation can last up to several minutes. After that all the "left out" hits & misses keep spamming up in just a few seconds which usually ends in my toon dying.

When the situation occures it seems like i cant still use the interface (hitting using skills, etc.) but that doesnt have any ingame effect until that "freeze" (or whatever you would call it) ceases.

This feels like some kind of connection issue. However i am still connected - green connection icon.

It usually happens in intense and/or boss fights. However its not connected to graphically intense fights. I kept getting this repeatedly in the endfight against the vampire in the Forbidden Tomb where the screen remains basically black. However it frequently happend around the time when the boss multiplies...

Anyone having an idea how to fix this or anyone else is experiencing the same? Any help would be appreciated.