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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Cool First WTS Post - most might be junk, but have a look (couple of +1 tomes, holy/PG)


    Here's some low level stuff that I have, and am unsure of whether it's vendor bait or not. If anything is worthwhile, any fair price is accepted, either plat or gear for a level 6 dwarven fighter (axe specialization). If it's all junk, that advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    +2 Holy Khopesh of Pure Good (ML8)
    +2 Bodyfeeder Greatsword of Shattermantle
    Feather Falling Boots of Dismissal (ML11)
    +3 Shock Longsword of Vertigo (ML8)
    +1 Transmuting Short Sword of Shatter (ML10)
    +3 Seeker Scimitar of Lesser Giant Bane (ML8)
    +3 Acid Longsword of Parrying (ML10)
    +2 Axiomatic Longbow of Precision (ML10)
    +4 True Law Heavy Pick of Shattermantle (ML10, Lawful)
    +1 Strength Sapping Heavy Mace of Shattermantle (ML10)
    +2 Greater Glaciation IV Dagger of Void Lore (ML8)
    +2 Sceptre of Power IX (ML8)
    +1 Icy Burst Dagger of Tendon Slice (ML8)
    +2 Greater Efficacy VI Dagger (ML10)
    +1 Greater Nihil V Heavy Mace (ML6)
    +2 Spell Penetration V Sceptre (ML8)
    +2 Shock Light Mace of Slowburst (ML8)
    +2 Improved Devotion IV Heavy Steel Shield of Lesser Acid Resistance (ML10)

    +1 Dex
    +1 Con
    +1 Cha

    Best to send a PM, otherwise I'll probably be on later as Whyldorf. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Community Member efreet5's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    The holy/pg kopesh is the only decent weapon in the list. If I were you I would simply sell most of the weapons I find to the weapon brokers in house d and make sure to use any haggle items you find when doing so. This can allow you to accumulate plat which you can then use to acquire items.

    A vast majority of the randomly generated loot will be vendor trash, which can make it very difficult as a new player to find something good. I find it comparable to the Diablo series of games in that most of the things you get will be sold to the vendors and aren't worth anyone's time, but every once in a while you may find something interesting.
    Dreadbringer::DreadEngine::DreadCountes::DreadWarrior::DreadMaster::PinkyDiddles::Lennal::DreadMistres::DreadMatron::DreadCherub::DreadKing::More Coming!

  3. #3
    Community Member JustWinBaby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    PM Sent

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    efreet5, thank you for the recommendations and advice. JustWinBaby, that sounds fine. I sent you a PM back.

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