Hmm...sorry it was such an abrupt disappearing act (especially after having just come back). Just got a call from one of my Army brothers, making sure I wasn't dead or worse and I'm not. While I dont want to get into all the specifics of leaving, I feel I owe a few of you the whys.
1st: I stopped playing when I went on Christmas leave and after coming home on the 2nd or 3rd I found my house frozen solid...needless to say when the pipes unfroze mine and my adjacent neighbors townhouses flooded.
2nd: I finally let my other two sons move in with their mother, Hayden had been with her since school started.
3rd: The reality that my life in the Army (10 yrs) is quickly coming to an end do to medical issues and not having a clue what the future would hold.
4th: Having been on percocet and fentanyl for the last 2 years or so had left me in a zombie-like state and then the withdrawl process from stopping cold-turkey wasnt fun.
5th: Knowing that my soon to be ex will probally try to get everything she can, regardless of what I've done to help her.
LOL, now dont you dare feel pity, sorry or any of that for me...I was seriously depressed for a long time, thats why I quit (for now)...but thats not where I am...
Im happy to say that the house is almost back to normal and I am loking forward to moving closer to my kids.
That them moving in with mom has strengthened our bond as father and sons
That a Bachelor in Arts is part of the 4-5 year future
That while I will always be addicted to those narcotics I am no longer an addict
And finally that regardless of what she wants, she cant take my childrens love away
So, that being said...I want to thank all of you that at the least put up with me, those that showed true friendship, words cant express the gratitude I owe you for being there for me. I am sorry for abandoning you, but I had to....
I will be back...but thats another story...