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  1. #61
    Community Member tolana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horrorscope View Post
    The majority have lag issues? Have you turned graphics and feedback down? I had no idea most are still having lag issues. Yes jumping skill rewards aren't always crowd favorites.
    yes most are still getting lag issues even with graphics turned down. i have noticed a significant increase since ftp was instituted. there was a time when lag was almost gone but i fear it is back with a vengeance.

  2. #62
    Community Member RangerMaya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AylinIsAwesome View Post
    Wow, epic strawman is epic. ToD rings are end game gear, are they not? Are the #5 recipes? Even you admit that they're not. ToD rings are pretty importent, game-changing gear for most builds, are they not? Are these #5 recipes? Well, since they're not end game gear I'd have to say no. Seems like you really can't compare the two.

    80 ping being good? Well awesome for people who have 80 ping. But for me? Not so good. The lowest I've ever seen my ping go in a public instance was 102, and most of the time it's around 160. If the jumps were in private instances then wouldn't that, oh, I don't know, maybe help with this problem???

    As for coins dropping in quests; sure some coins will drop in quests. But if you're going to bring that up, perhaps you could mention a more realistic number than "not 100%". In truth it's a less than 30% drop rate.

    Of course, none of that matters to you because you have your #5 recipes and you care all of jack-**** about other people. Or at least it seems that way from your posts here.
    Um, maybe I'm missing the point here but we ARE talking about a GAME, right? Meaning it's not affecting things in real life? Is it really worth it to get all worked up about something Turbine has added that you aren't required to do? I mean come on, adding icy burst to a weapon, while useful at low to mid levels, really isn't going to do much at endgame.

    Yeah, I've gotten like 10 purples in a few hours of farming. I find it frustrating so I don't do it. But I don't ***** about it either because in the long run it doesn't matter. I play to have fun. I don't find endlessly farming for purple coins fun. So I do something else. I don't allow the frustration to keep me from enjoying other parts of the game or keep me from sleeping at night.

    No good at farming coins? C'est la vie. Do something else then!

  3. #63
    Community Member UnderwearModel's Avatar
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    Default I am enjoying the games

    I am an older adult.

    At first, I thought it was going to be another pointless event like catch the devil girls in the market, but I find the jump for coins an enjoyable break and a nice challenge.

    The first weekend I was utterly frustrated. I could do nothing. I stunk.

    I did do quests for the coins which got me to do some quests I despise, Taming the Flames for one. I took all my eligible characters through Taming the Flames on elite to get favor, yucky loot, some EXP, and coins. Overall, a win win win win for me. I even learned about the recipes and stuff.

    I turned in coins for skates to see if it was worth it, and decided to use 95 points to buy skates.

    This weekend I have actually hit the purple coin a few times. Been close many a time. FLEW OVER the purple coin one time, that was aggravating.

    Do I like that the usual uber gamers belittle others in general chat? Nah, their choice. So, I just turn off general chat and I am not bothered by it all and just entertain myself, which is the idea.

    I also gladly give other players JUMP, Greater heroism, and haste. On my bard I even sing them a song.

    I give the winter festivult four out of five stars. You can still earn blue coins and white coins QUITE easily without even needing skates.
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    Monster AI tends to be a limitation of the engine - smart AIs cause more server lag. Boy am I going to get quoted on that or what.
    I survived the scary events in 2009, 2010, and 2011. 2011 did not reward those that played by the rules.

  4. #64
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangerMaya View Post
    Um, maybe I'm missing the point here but we ARE talking about a GAME, right? Meaning it's not affecting things in real life? Is it really worth it to get all worked up about something Turbine has added that you aren't required to do? I mean come on, adding icy burst to a weapon, while useful at low to mid levels, really isn't going to do much at endgame.

    Yeah, I've gotten like 10 purples in a few hours of farming. I find it frustrating so I don't do it. But I don't ***** about it either because in the long run it doesn't matter. I play to have fun. I don't find endlessly farming for purple coins fun. So I do something else. I don't allow the frustration to keep me from enjoying other parts of the game or keep me from sleeping at night.

    No good at farming coins? C'est la vie. Do something else then!
    The three largest things I don't like about it are:

    1. While the Icy Burst for most characters isn't a big deal since most characters will use crafted or named items late game, it affects Monks since many of them still use random drops. That's more of an issue affecting Monks, but it's still relevant.

    2. I'm a little ****ed off by the people that say, "Not good at farming coins? Then you must be one of those people who can only run quests on CASUAL because you suck so much!"

    3. I'd like to be able to enjoy the ice games. But I can't with my lag. Some people can do it with lag, and that's great for them. But when 2 out of every 3 seconds in the Harbor is lag for me...there's just no way.

  5. #65
    Community Member Montrose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AylinIsAwesome View Post
    I'm fairly sure people are wanting Purple coins. Telling us how to get Blue ones, while nice, doesn't actually help anyone get the Purple ones they're wanting.
    Poster 1 says "Here's how you can easily get 1 blue coin"
    I respond with "Here's how you can easily get 10-15 blue coins"

    That, to me, seems to not only address the poster's point, but to also be a helpful refinement of their system.

    Your post, on the other hand, offers no actual value that I can discern.
    You may know me as: Gannot, Gonnet, Gunnet, Ginnet, Gaxxat, Gennot, Gannut, Gxnnxt, Horseface, Izzayhay, Pailmaster, Artifactual, Gynnet and/or Barred. What? I like alts.

  6. #66
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Montrose View Post
    Poster 1 says "Here's how you can easily get 1 blue coin"
    I respond with "Here's how you can easily get 10-15 blue coins"

    That, to me, seems to not only address the poster's point, but to also be a helpful refinement of their system.

    Your post, on the other hand, offers no actual value that I can discern.
    Yes, your method of getting Blue Coins is a nice method. However, me and others would like to get some Purple coins too, not just Blue ones. I asked a couple pages back if anyone knew of a way to get Purple coins from somewhere other than the Jump, to which the response was, "here's how you can get Blue", and then another with, "here's how you can get a lot of Blue". I still don't know see a way of getting Purple out of that, which is mainly what I wanted to know.

    Perhaps I should just ask: Do you know of a way to get Purple coins?

    Sorry I wasn't as clear before.

  7. #67
    Community Member Montrose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AylinIsAwesome View Post
    Perhaps I should just ask: Do you know of a way to get Purple coins?
    Honestly, the easiest way to get purple coins truly is to do the jumping. While it can be frustrating and difficult on laggy contections, it offers the higest time/coin yield once you get good at it.

    Outside of that, I am not sure who would drop purple. Here are some mobs that might, though this is just me thinking and not verified:

    - Giant in Von2
    - Fire elly at end of Rainbow in the Dark
    - Velah (confirmed, I got one off her the other day)
    - Fire room boss in PoP (Doubtful though, since you can vorp him)
    You may know me as: Gannot, Gonnet, Gunnet, Ginnet, Gaxxat, Gennot, Gannut, Gxnnxt, Horseface, Izzayhay, Pailmaster, Artifactual, Gynnet and/or Barred. What? I like alts.

  8. #68
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Montrose View Post
    Honestly, the easiest way to get purple coins truly is to do the jumping. While it can be frustrating and difficult on laggy contections, it offers the higest time/coin yield once you get good at it.

    Outside of that, I am not sure who would drop purple. Here are some mobs that might, though this is just me thinking and not verified:

    - Giant in Von2
    - Fire elly at end of Rainbow in the Dark
    - Velah (confirmed, I got one off her the other day)
    - Fire room boss in PoP (Doubtful though, since you can vorp him)
    Ok, thank you.

    I guess I' spending more time jumping them. :/

    I'll try it on the highest instance (someone suggested that earlier in this thread) with the House P buffs on me. Any recommendation to run/not run or when to jump? I've tried a few different things, and the closest I can get is just about arm's reach before I plummet suddenly.

  9. #69
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AylinIsAwesome View Post
    the closest I can get is just about arm's reach before I plummet suddenly.
    if you are that close, you are doing fine. You simply need a bit more speed, and to jump as close to the end of the ramp as possible.

    If you are not getting enough speed, consider sliding back and forth until you are within the last block of the ramp on the opposite side of the jump side and then go for it. But if you can land on the upper near portion of the final ramp, you should have enough speed.

    EDIT: if you can get someone to buff you .. just make a lvl 1 max STR barbarian and put all points into Jump.
    Last edited by GeneralDiomedes; 02-15-2010 at 08:50 PM.
    Server Sarlona / MST / Guild Enslaved / Characters Ionos, Cydekik, Xalavan, Rodessa, Hethrow, Ramsteen

  10. #70
    Community Member Stealthdog's Avatar
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    Getting the whites and blues are not that hard. You don't need huge jump buffs. Any toon with ice skates can get white and blue coins. I don't even try for the purple. After about 50 attempts, I gave up.

  11. #71
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralDiomedes View Post
    if you are that close, you are doing fine. You simply need a bit more speed, and to jump as close to the end of the ramp as possible.

    If you are not getting enough speed, consider sliding back and forth until you are within the last block of the ramp on the opposite side of the jump side and then go for it. But if you can land on the upper near portion of the final ramp, you should have enough speed.

    EDIT: if you can get someone to buff you .. just make a lvl 1 max STR barbarian and put all points into Jump.

    I've been trying to do it on my Paladin, with the House P buffs on her. Total Jump mod is 31 with my armor off.

    Hard timing the jump I guess. =\

  12. #72
    Founder clanqui's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AylinIsAwesome View Post
    I've been trying to do it on my Paladin, with the House P buffs on her. Total Jump mod is 31 with my armor off.

    Hard timing the jump I guess. =\
    House P buffs are +30. You should be higher than that.

  13. #73
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AylinIsAwesome View Post
    I've been trying to do it on my Paladin, with the House P buffs on her. Total Jump mod is 31 with my armor off.

    Hard timing the jump I guess. =\
    If you can get someone to buff you with haste, jump, greater hero and bulls

    lvl 1 human barb with 2 action points

    3 skill focus
    2 acrobat
    6 str
    4 ranks
    1 enhancement
    30 spell
    4 morale
    = 50
    plus a jump ring would be 53

    Put other enhancement into barb run boost .. hit it on the way up the final ramp.
    Last edited by GeneralDiomedes; 02-15-2010 at 09:37 PM.
    Server Sarlona / MST / Guild Enslaved / Characters Ionos, Cydekik, Xalavan, Rodessa, Hethrow, Ramsteen

  14. #74
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clanqui View Post
    House P buffs are +30. You should be higher than that.
    That's what I thought too. Looked at my sheet though and it was only a 31. No encumbrance or stat damage...

    Maybe a bug? Wouldn't be the first time on this diseased the other day somehow. o_O

  15. #75
    Community Member rage9's Avatar
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    One trick I used to use when I was having lag issues was to open the social panel, in the LFM section click the button that says show only groups I'm eligible for, then go to your friends list and click show only online and last go to the who section and unselect all the classes then hit search. It should come back with a blank page.
    Seemed to help since it wasn't always trying to update info I didn't really care about anyway. Seemed to work for me at the time, maybe it'll work for some of you.

    "Hit points=DPS! You aren't doing ANY DPS when ur dead!"
    and like that,.......he was gone.

  16. #76
    Community Member reaktorblock's Avatar
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    Unhappy this really does not fit the game

    generally speaking: yes, fine to have a winter event. Even a more skill based game. But my experiences with jumping were really bad. Could not find the right points or technique. I am an avid gamer and love to do platformers with my kids on wii and ps3. But those feel absolutely different: exact controle and a gameplay balanced for quick access and long hours of training for mastering it. I dont feel that those is true for the coin jumping. Maybe the lag of my internet connection is the problem. But I cant find joy in a jumping game that requires hours of training before the first success. Nintendo does this better.

    I would suggest: stick to the general game mechanix, which work for all players. Introduce some tough seasonal bosses, maybe some kind of invasions, desasters, hunts for tokens, or special loot like in X-Mas.

    I was surprised when some guildies offered me receipes for free because they made almost 1 purple coin every three minutes changing through the harbor instaces, because they could collect faster, then the coins were respawning. And it frustrated me even more, because I knew it was completely impossible for me to do the sam...

  17. #77
    Community Member RangerMaya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AylinIsAwesome View Post
    Ok, thank you.

    I guess I' spending more time jumping them. :/

    I'll try it on the highest instance (someone suggested that earlier in this thread) with the House P buffs on me. Any recommendation to run/not run or when to jump? I've tried a few different things, and the closest I can get is just about arm's reach before I plummet suddenly.
    From what I've been told, all the coins have a chance of giving you recipe #5. Purple is the one that has the best chance of dropping it.

    As far as making the jump, this is what has worked the best for me:

    -House P pendant of time
    -Jump spell
    -Ice skates
    - NO ff
    -Screen in alt + z mode

    The trick seems to be to land at the highest point on the ramp and not hitting the forward button right away as that seems to slow you down. I've found ff screws you because it can cause you to hit the ramp and bounce up or off. I think I hit the forward button when I'm near the bottom of the curve on the ramp and jump about halfway up the other side.

    Mind you, I farmed for a few hours and only had about 10 purples afterward....but that's what worked the best for me.

    If you can get three other people to join you, I hear the Bogwater Tavern is an easy place for purples but I've never tried it myself.

  18. #78
    Gweater Dwagonmark of Fwiends (2009) (2010) Girlbrush's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangerMaya View Post
    If you can get three other people to join you, I hear the Bogwater Tavern is an easy place for purples but I've never tried it myself.
    Tried Bogwater Tavern earlier today with three other people. I don't know how other people managed to do it but we had difficulty activating all three seals at the same time, with and without skates. We then gave up and moved to the harbour. Even though most of us couldn't get any purples, we were able to getsome coins.

    I might have been okay with the harbour jumps rewarding skilled players with good internet access if the alternative ways of farming coins were viable options. For instance, I do not agree that coins from fire creatures should only go to those who made the killing blow if he is in a group. As long as there isn't a leech in the party, why should it go to just one person when it requires team effort to go through the dungeon? This is even more so when it's a raid fire boss. Why should one person out of twelve people get a purple coin for having the killing blow?

    I think reaktorblock has the right idea about the harbour jumps requiring lots of training even before the first success. There isn't enough "flow" to train the player to make the jumps, and to want to continue improving to succeed at the tough jumps. Already many fail at the first ramp and get discouraged. Ideally you want the game to introduce the basics to the player and then ramp up the difficulty from there. "Easy to learn, difficult to master" anyone? Perhaps if there's a "practice ramp" where players can pick up the basics and get a small reward (maybe some white coins), then they'd be more eager to keep trying for the hard jumps since they've already experienced some small degree of success and want more.

    This isn't a plea to nerf content. The hard jumps can stay for those who truly want a challenge, but there should ideally be decent alternatives and a better learning curve.

  19. #79
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by S0rdmasta View Post
    Once again I see a clear divide between the opinions of those with a join date of 2006 and the newer players.

    Only someone with millions of plat would even joke about buying #5's and purple coins. And only people who have been playing for years have millions of plat. I do understand that having played for years, it all probably seems easy, and the frustration of newer lower level players might get annoying after a while. But if you really think people are complaining for no reason, or just not trying hard enough, then you have lost your perspective and clearly cannot even recall what it was like to be a new low lvl player.

    You might as well just take our word for it, trying to get purples on a low level toon, on a 320ms ping is beyond challenging. Its just plain frustrating. Fun factor is very low. We newbies don't even kid ourselves about getting icy burst onto anything. We know we'll be lucky to get a few frosty weapons out of the whole thing by mindlessly farming off a rooftop. The OP is spot on, the festival is geared towards high end toons and veteran players.
    X2... I have a top flight comp, high end "enthusiast level" graphics card, broadband, and a 100-ish ping to Thelanis, even more I have nearly two decades of experience playing multiplayer (FPS and RPG's) games all the way back to Doom IPX and Duke3d on Kali, the original Quakeworld (once ranked 60th in the world and I was on dialup), Diablo I, warcraft, starcraft, HL, TFC, CS, UO, EQ etc.... So I don't consider myself a newb at anything or bad at anything.., Especially considering I could play well with a Dialup ping in most of those games.

    Only yesterday Now after probably 20+ hours of trying since it came out (job kids wife etc. so not that much time to play) with a purpose built "ski jump char" human (for the extra feat to jump skill) rogue/wiz with max jump, and two feats in improving jump skill and self buffs with extend spell wiz class feat... have I managed to get a purple... ONCE, OTOH I might make enough money from selling blues to buy a recipe 5 set One things for sure no way will I collect enough purples to get one. I feel the frustration of a new player not willing to roll a gimpy twinked out jump toon and spend every free hour or game time trying to get better at anticipating lag spikes and timing jumps 200ms "in the past", let alone when the server decides you wanted to keep moving in a direction for a tick or two after you released the key.

    I'm a regular joe in real life, I don't play games to have it rubbed in my face that I'm not in the "leet 1%" and **** like this (Ultima Online did this type of stuff too, where only broadband equipped experienced players in large uber geared PvP guilds actually got the good stuff (I.e. +20 stat cap scrolls)... I quit that game after figuring out that I would either have to buy 10million gold on ebay, or spend ungodly amounts of grinding to make enough money to buy one. Game = fun, fun != job/chore/grind Pay to play game = grind/job/chore = no more pay

    Just institute a 1 of each recipe per account rule and make all coins have a small possibility of giving every recipe, with blue and purple being more and more likely. Then the lagged player; the comp challenged; or the 'don't have enough time to grind for 100' hours for 50 purples, or the plat to buy them type players can get some good stuff too. It doesn't need to be easy, but it should be something less than ridiculously hard as well.

  20. #80
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic View Post
    In the original post, the OP asked for a "Shortbus version" for old and decrepit people on laggy connections, so I used the term in my reply to him. He has since edited that part out.
    in that case I apologize, for implying you have no life outside of DDO

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