Just trying to learn
Just trying to learn
No, flametouched counts as "good" for the purpose of bypassing DR, as seen in it's description.
You still need silver/cold iron depending on creature type to bypass devil/demon DR.
Flametouched Iron makes your weapon good-aligned. Few demons or devils have damage reduction that is bypassed solely by Good. (Orthons are the only devil I can think of that does, and there's a few demons as well)
Most of them, particularly on higher difficulties, require the weapon to both be a specific metal -and- good-aligned.
For example, Barbazu, Cornugons, and Pit Fiends all require Silver and Good on the same weapon to bypass their DR. So, for example, a Alchemical Silver Holy weapon, Metalline of Pure Good, or something like that.
Many demons require both Cold Iron and Good.
Flametouched Iron = adds the good aligned property to your weapon as if it was holy or pure good
Devils require Silver and Good
Demons require Cold Iron and Good
Metalline Flametouched works on both Devils and Demons
Holy Silver works on Devils, not Demons
Holy Cold Iron works on Demons, not Devils
Metalline of Pure Good works on both Devils and Demons
This link is handy http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=178393
so a +5 holy flametouch longsword of pure good is redundant and does not bypass dr. I just found this in vendors
It's exactly the same as a +5 holy longsword of pure good, yes. The flametouched iron does nothing in that case. If, on the other hand, it were a +5 silver holy longsword of pure good, it'd be rather valuable.
Bearded Devils (known as Devils)
And Orthons have DR that can be bypassed with either Silver or Good.
Greater Devils like Pit Fiends and Horned Devils need Silver and Good.
Demons are a little tougher.
I believe the new demon, Hesrou(?)
Needs either good or Cold Iron.
And Mariliths, like the DQ need Cold Iron and Good.
Renders, Reavers etc. I think actually need cold iron and good.
Tharashk hounds need lawful I think (they are not really demons)
Ghostly Skeletons (only found in Delera's quest so far) need good. but can be god damage of any type. Bludgeon not required.
So your Flametouched Iron Rapier will work on ghostly Skelleies, bearded Devils and Orthons.
(can't remember what bypasses the various cat's DRs.)
Oh, silver also works for Vampires btw....slightly related to discussion.
Edit: /sigh or just ask the Cow.
Good is enough to beat Hezrous, at least the ones in the new Marilith quest.
Reavers/Renders/Flensers/Mariliths need Good+Cold Iron