Does Healers Friend (+15% healing) stack with the Monk enhancement that gives +10% to healing?
Does Healers Friend (+15% healing) stack with the Monk enhancement that gives +10% to healing?
If you can take two passive enhancements, they stack.
I would assume that they do, since the Healer's Friend and HotD healing amp stack with each other.
However, I have heard that they stack weirdly, though I'm not sure what was meant by "weirdly".
Normal WF - 50% healing
Wf + max healers friend - 75% ( healers friend is added to the base )
Wf + max monk healing amp - 65% (.5 x 1.3) multiplied by the base 50% from wf.
wf + max healing amp + max healers friend - 97.5% (.75x 1.3 )
wf + 2 healers friend + 2 monk amp + leviks bracers - 100.8% healing, touch over normal healing, (.70*1.2*1.2 )
wf + max healers friend, max healing amp, leviks - 152.1% - fol now heals you for 1-3 hp instead of 1-2
Havetn added in docent of blood or finger as i dont quite get the math on those, i think they add to the base somehow something like wf healers friend, there is a thread on all of these somewhere about if u dig deep enough, personally i woudlnt use either of these 2 items on a wf monk tho, just me.
2 healers friend, 2 monk amp and a leviks is the cheapest way to get normal healing
ps those are dashes not minus's