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Thread: Best melee dps

  1. #1
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    Default Best melee dps

    Hello !

    Im still new to DDO and im trying to figure out wich one is the best (or maybe the PROS and CONS) of the melee classes:

    THF Pure Barbarian
    Pure Monk (Handwrap or kama?)
    Tempest/Fighter buid (mosp popular build among melees)

    I read that this tempest build with Khopeshes is pretty solid, but how much is the DPS between thoose 3.

    Thank you.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Community Member Kaervas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bardicus View Post
    If that's accurate, it looks like it's time to reroll.

  4. #4
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    I dont think its accurate AT ALL, cause if his using his own program to do this comparissons theres a LOT of features not implemented yet, like :

    "Barbarian Capstone
    Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude Rank
    Kensai Rank
    Frenzied Berserker Rank"

    i´ve just wanna heard from someone that actually have thoose 3 classes on high lvl/gear

  5. #5
    Community Member Hellmoob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ivanbss View Post
    I dont think its accurate AT ALL, cause if his using his own program to do this comparissons theres a LOT of features not implemented yet, like :

    "Barbarian Capstone
    Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude Rank
    Kensai Rank
    Frenzied Berserker Rank"

    i´ve just wanna heard from someone that actually have thoose 3 classes on high lvl/gear
    The hell are you talking about? They are implemented.

    Barbarian 20 for sustained damage, Fighter/Tempest/Barb (12/6/2) for bossfights/burst damage.

  6. #6
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    No one that throws together a bunch of numbers and calls it fact is going to give you and real accurate answer, there's too many variables and it's all biased towards there own personal outlooks on how it should be, not how it is. Numbers are too easy to manipulate.

    Most fair way to determine it is ingame tests against static targets.
    I've a thread doing just that here:

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmoob View Post
    The hell are you talking about? They are implemented.

    Barbarian 20 for sustained damage, Fighter/Tempest/Barb (12/6/2) for bossfights/burst damage.
    Download and check his program for yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by No one that throws together a bunch of numbers and calls it fact is going to give you and real accurate answer, there's too many variables and it's all biased towards there own personal outlooks on how it should be, not how it is. Numbers are too easy to manipulate.

    Most fair way to determine it is ingame tests against static targets.
    I've a thread doing just that here:
    Thank, i was looking for something like that. And experienced peoples opinions. I have a pure monk and a THF barbarian atm, but they´re too low level to compare.

  8. #8
    Community Member Aaxeyu's Avatar
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    The newest version is not uploaded anywhere for the public to download it yet.
    But the calcs on the page Bardicus linked to are made by an up to date calculator. They are very accurate.

    However, epic sos may change the balance quite a bit, making THF fighters (instead of TWF fighters) the highest DPS toon.

  9. #9
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    What SoS stands for ? *Edit: nevermin, found it, Sword of Shadows.

    And im glad to hear that cause im really enjoying my THF Barbarian
    Last edited by ivanbss; 02-04-2010 at 10:26 AM.

  10. #10
    Community Member Aaxeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    No one that throws together a bunch of numbers and calls it fact is going to give you and real accurate answer, there's too many variables and it's all biased towards there own personal outlooks on how it should be, not how it is. Numbers are too easy to manipulate.

    Most fair way to determine it is ingame tests against static targets.
    I've a thread doing just that here:
    It's statistical facts. It's good enough to draw conclusions from, but not good enough to say exactly how things will be in every single situation.

    I hope you do realise that your DPS challenge is a complete joke. A 100% fort mob with DR/-, and you call DPS calcs biased? Hah. You're just too funny.

  11. #11
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    What "(Full-Twitch) or (Non-Twitch)" means ?

  12. #12
    Community Member Aaxeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ivanbss View Post
    And im glad to hear that cause im really enjoying my THF Barbarian
    I suggest you reroll fighter instead.
    Before you get epic SoS, TWF fighters leaves THF barb in the dust, and if you eventually get your hands on epic SoS, THF fighters will be ahead of THF barbs.

    Barb is a bad idea, trust me.
    The only people who play barbs because they think it's the best DPS class are fanatics like Shade.
    The rest of us moved on along time ago.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaxeyu View Post
    I suggest you reroll fighter instead.
    Before you get epic SoS, TWF fighters leaves THF barb in the dust, and if you eventually get your hands on epic SoS, THF fighters will be ahead of THF barbs.

    Barb is a bad idea, trust me.
    The only people who play barbs because they think it's the best DPS class are fanatics like Shade.
    The rest of us moved on along time ago.
    Hummm...good point, let me think about it
    Feats,Weapons specialization, Kensai enahances

    Rage, FBerserk,TH enhances.

    I know im new to the game, but i cant figure how a fighter can beat the Rage bonus that barbarians gets.

  14. #14
    Community Member Aaxeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ivanbss View Post
    Hummm...good point, let me think about it
    Feats,Weapons specialization, Kensai enahances

    Rage, FBerserk,TH enhances.

    I know im new to the game, but i cant figure how a fighter can beat the Rage bonus that barbarians gets.
    What makes fighters shine is their haste boost. 10 charges of 30% increased attackspeed for 20 seconds.
    They also get alot of damage bonuses, and increased crit range.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaxeyu View Post
    What makes fighters shine is their haste boost. 10 charges of 30% increased attackspeed for 20 seconds.
    They also get alot of damage bonuses, and increased crit range.
    The attackspeek you´re talking about is the Capstone right ? Cause barbarians also gets Atack speed boost enhances

  16. #16
    Community Member Ulf's Avatar
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    Attack speed is haste boost IV enhancement 30%. Capstone is 10%. The boost stacks but is not additive, look at actual swing per unit time in game with and without boost, while hasted with capstone.

    Also, fighter is using 4 boosts per min. for the stated dps (3 20 sec haste boosts, 1 minute power surge), which of course is not sustainable through quest. And usually have to take quickdraw to reduce downtime from boost activation. While a barbs rages are finite in length, they last much longer and can reasonably be sustained between shrines.

  17. #17
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    Putt'em away boys. I love these mine is bigger than yours discussions.

    Aaxeyu, funny that you compared TWF fighter to a THF Barb. Why not the same style ?
    What about the TWF Barb ? 6d6 additional damage for each hand from full Frenzy adds up pretty quick.
    And your wrong about the fighters leaving Barb in the dust, it's reverse.

    And what about the THF Barb with full Frenzy on ? 6d6 additional damage, huge on a crit.
    I know my THF Barb crits over 510+ (first#) + 5 other numbers in a full frenzied state. Don't think fighters crit. that high. It gets higher if you start throwing in the other buffs (madstone, choker, y pots, etc).
    And 510+ is a real world number, seen many times in game not paper math max.

    Ulf, good point about the haste boost and how it stacks or doesn't stack while hasted.

    I know agro is not a good indication of how much DPS a single character is doing but I do find one spot in
    the game that I think can show or point to a toon that is doing the most damage.
    TOD Part 2, when everyone surrounds big ugly and start beating on him. I am not talking about when you
    have 1 person start then other join in, the entire DPS pool starts beating on him at the same time.
    With that said, 95% of the time my THF Barb is the one that has the agro over others. The other 5%, it's not
    a fighter that's getting the agro.

    Epic SoS, hope they remove it or leave it broke if it's still that way. Way overpowered.
    Luckily it's a grind to get the item so not everyone will be walking around the marketplace with one in their hands.

    To the OP: stick with your THF Barb. you are on the right track. If you are lucky to get a Epic SoS you will be good
    to go. x4 crit with Epic SoS THF Barb with full frenzy, deadly. And don't forget about the HP difference of Barb compared to fighter.
    Last edited by DragonMageT; 02-04-2010 at 12:54 PM.

  18. #18
    Community Member Aaxeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulf View Post
    Also, fighter is using 4 boosts per min. for the stated dps (3 20 sec haste boosts, 1 minute power surge), which of course is not sustainable through quest. And usually have to take quickdraw to reduce downtime from boost activation. While a barbs rages are finite in length, they last much longer and can reasonably be sustained between shrines.
    Sigh... You really are clueless.
    Posting misinformation like this should get you banned.

    This is how it works:
    A boosts duration is 20 seconds, and they have 10 sec cooldown, so it's not possible to use 3 per minute.
    Powersurge uses attack boosts, not haste boost.
    Fighters "have" to take quickdraw for the same reason every melee DPS build "have" to take power attack; It increases their DPS!

    All my statements about DPS is calculated over 5 minutes, which is plenty.

  19. #19
    Community Member Aaxeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonMageT View Post
    Putt'em away boys. I love these mine is bigger than yours discussions.

    Aaxeyu, funny that you compared TWF fighter to a THF Barb. Why not the same style ?
    Um yea, could it be because the OP HAS A THF BARB? geez.
    If he roll a fighter he can go TWF until he gets epic sos, and then respec to THF. Or just have both at the same time and just respec some enhancments.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragonMageT View Post
    What about the TWF Barb ? 6d6 additional damage for each hand from full Frenzy adds up pretty quick.
    And your wrong about the fighters leaving Barb in the dust, it's reverse.
    TWF barbs are pretty close to TWF fighters, but still behind.

    No, i'm not wrong about that. Care to show some facts to back your statement up with?

    Quote Originally Posted by DragonMageT View Post
    And what about the THF Barb with full Frenzy on ? 6d6 additional damage, huge on a crit.
    I know my THF Barb crits over 510+ (first#) + 5 other numbers in a full frenzied state. Don't think fighters crit. that high. It gets higher if you start throwing in the other buffs (madstone, choker, y pots, etc).
    And 510+ is a real world number, seen many times in game not paper math max.
    HAHAHAHAHAH, yea we all know that highest crits equals highest DPS!!!
    Seriously, get a clue.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragonMageT View Post
    Ulf, good point about the haste boost and how it stacks or doesn't stack while hasted.
    That's already been worked out by exstensive testing by some people here on the forums (thanks). It's been implemented in the DPS calc I use.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragonMageT View Post
    I know agro is not a good indication of how much DPS a single character is doing but I do find one spot in
    the game that I think can show or point to a toon that is doing the most damage.
    TOD Part 2, when everyone surrounds big ugly and start beating on him. I am not talking about when you
    have 1 person start then other join in, the entire DPS pool starts beating on him at the same time.
    With that said, 95% of the time my THF Barb is the one that has the agro over others. The other 5%, it's not
    a fighter that's getting the agro.
    Strange, as my fighter always gets aggro from the barbs. Funny how that works.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragonMageT View Post
    To the OP: stick with your THF Barb. you are on the right track. If you are lucky to get a Epic SoS you will be good
    to go. x4 crit with Epic SoS THF Barb with full frenzy, deadly. And don't forget about the HP difference of Barb compared to fighter.
    x4 crits with better seeker damage, higher crit range, and higher attackspeed is even better.

    And remember that barbs lose 2d3 hp on every hit and glancing blow if they want to keep up their DPS.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaxeyu View Post
    Sigh... You really are clueless.
    Posting misinformation like this should get you banned.

    This is how it works:
    A boosts duration is 20 seconds, and they have 10 sec cooldown, so it's not possible to use 3 per minute.
    Powersurge uses attack boosts, not haste boost.
    Fighters "have" to take quickdraw for the same reason every melee DPS build "have" to take power attack; It increases their DPS!

    All my statements about DPS is calculated over 5 minutes, which is plenty.
    Laughable.... 5 minutes. I have been in many TOD runs where haste didn't run out before end boss was dead. Other raids also, Shroud part 5, etc. Seems a bit long.

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