So, I was in epic ADQ1, and in the Octopus area, going by the spinning blade trap pillar, which previously hit for about 60-90 points. Now it hits for 525.
So, (improved) evasion people with high swim only!
So, I was in epic ADQ1, and in the Octopus area, going by the spinning blade trap pillar, which previously hit for about 60-90 points. Now it hits for 525.
So, (improved) evasion people with high swim only!
Correct on the trap dmg.
But that specific one, evasion isn't that important.
Most trap saves on epic are insane so that even the best rogues rarely make them. And this particular one, is much easier to do on anyone with a strong swim skill, then someone with evasion. Just need to time your swim just as the blade go and you can grab the key and get out unscaved.
I find it easy to do on my barb.. Who i put some swim ranks into lol (many many years ago when I had no idea). Plus his massive str helps. Vs on my sorc with 8 str and no ranks... very hard.
Well, as an extra bonus, I discovered that the fire reavers in ADQ1 can crit through heavy fort. At first I thought that my minos had gotten broken by the disjunction sparks, but it was fully intact.
There were changes to that section. The reavers and efreeti are now much more accurate with their fireballs, and they use them more often. I used to be able to grab a group of 15-25 of them and BB kite them to I'm the one who gets thrown into the wood chipper.
Extremely unlikely.
There is a serious known bug with the disjunctions traps however. Even after they expire after ~2min, sometimes they persist, even tho they no longer show on the item. I've had this happen dozens of times.
One particlarly memorable one was when I did DQ1 epic and was disjunctioned i believe nly once the entire time. Then after did ToD, and lightning my strike axe was not bypassing orthons DR despire still having all it's effects including holy still listed... Was due to the disjunction.. A quick relog cleared it.
Likely the same thing happened to your minos legens.
It's possibly the new patch gave then fortification rending abilities, as they actually already exist in the game (The Devourer of Dreams special sonic boom ability is meant to negate your fort per it's description, but never did due to bugs)
However if they had such an ability, it should of shown up in your buffs list and combat log.
Except the minos was never broken. It was still sitting on my head, and the only damage it received was the 10% or so from being killed.
It didn't even have the fracture lines in it, which the bracers I was wearing did have because the disjunction hit them (but not fatally, as I was still wearing those too).
Read my post a bit more carefully.
Like I said, disjunction is still very bugged. It actaully REPAIRS all your equipment fully after it expires. It's not intended to "break" items anyways, just temporarily dmg them, so ones that already poor durabilities do tend to fall off, but regardless if they fall off or not, they are disabled. The only items you should notice seriously damage are ones that already have permanent dmg, and even then, after the 2 minuits expire, they should be back to full durability.
But despite that, occossonally SOME of your items are still disabled after the 2 minuit debuff portion expires, despite the fact when you examine them they look perfectly fine.
The only way to be sure is to relog and re-equipp. So far that has always fixed this for me.