So I'm standing at a fork in the road and would like to invoke the wisdom of more experienced builders. When Greater Reincarnation goes live tomorrow, I am seriously rethinking my current build plan (WF, Wiz12/Rngr6/Mnk2) to something with a little more DPS potential.
My initial plan was Wiz 12 for Reconstruct, Rngr 6 for Tempest I and Mnk 2 for Evasion/2 feats. I thought primarily self-healing, self-buffing and modest DPS for solo play. I've made it to level 14 (actually 1k xp shy of) and was going to end up as Wiz6/Rngr6/Mnk2 at this point. My only major accomplishments (if you want to call them that) was completing Wiz King the first time in solo at level 13, which took me 2 hours (including a long lunch break during), about 1,500 Slayer in the Orchard (to finally get that damned helm) and 1,500 undead/1,100 Gnoll Slayer in the Desert.
After seeing some of the higher end content (Orchard, raids though), as I'm a complete Alta-holic (no toons over 14, but playing since launch), I've come to the conclusion that I need more DPS to continue successfully. Here's what I'm currently pondering:
- Leave Evasion behind and pick-up 2 levels of Fighter for a few more HPs, the same number of feats, better melee enhancements and +1 Strength (Wiz6/Rngr6/Fghtr2)
- Abandon Reconstruction (needing 6 more levels of Wiz), and go Kensai (Slashing) instead, 2 additional feats, +2 Strength, and quite a bit more HPs (Wiz6/Rngr6/Fghtr8)
- Same as above, but apply extra 6 levels to Rngr for Tempest II, Extra Fav Enemy, keep Evasion, still a few more HPs than original build, better ranged feats (as I tend pull when soloing) free GTWF (Wiz6/Rngr12/Fghtr2)
Those are the basics. My main question is whether Reconstruction is worth an entire 6 more levels of Wiz? I am now thinking no, but would love some advice. I didn't include any other stats, as I didn't want to deliver any more a wall of text than I have already, but I can provide any of them at request.
Thanks in advance for everyone's constructive help.