Hi all,
Last weekend I did my first raid with my Wisdom based monk at tempest the Spine. I'm only at 8th level, but some friends where doing it so I decieded to get in. My experience... awfull I cound't do mole than 3 dmg per hit in most oponents (no metaline yet) and I missed a lot of hits, while the resto of my party just runout killing staff quite easily I took me like 30 seconds to kill a mob.
What am I doing wrong?Maybe my gear and level lack were a overwelming diference?
The thing is that, usually, I'm in top 2 killing staff when I quest. And in the raid.. I only got 5/6 kills per instance.
Any advice? Did I choose a good class?, because it seems to me that anything else in this game can make more DPS and is better helped in gear terms than what monks are.