I am working on a Pal/Monk combo. I am currently Monk3/Pal1. I am not worried about the current stats but I am worried about which way to go eventually. I was able to take out Gerard (Catacombs series) with 2 strikes (targeted Gerard Clicked Smite, Clicked FoL, DEAD). Still, I realize that it was rather lucky. So, that got me thinking. What can I do to decrease the luck factor.
The original concept was an Undead Hunter. As such, I was thinking Pal 12/Monk8. Obviously, taking PrE hunter of the dead. However, Monk 9 gives me Improved Evasion and they have yet to announce any PrEs for Monk.
Also, I was wondering what gear to look for - as well as where to look for it - as well as which enhancements and feats would be more helpful. I have lots of PnP experience but that does not necessarily help in MMOs.
Any help along these lines would be appreciated. Also, please to not criticize the concept but try to figure out what MIGHT/ WILL help in the long run. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.