Yeah, that was the one. It was like a train wreck. I really tried to walk away, but the level of devestating false information and such made me stare in awe, point, and well comment...well maybe I did *comment* alot!
Funny thing I offered to show anyone who disbelieved what I was saying to run a quest of their chosing with me. Heck I even offered to roll a new toon up to do so, since many of the ones talking smack were on low level toons. But, like most that spout off, it's all talk and excuses as to why they can't be proven wrong.
/rant Still wish one of the loud mouths would've taken me up on that offer!![]()
Git off mah lawn!
If, If's and But's was Candies and Nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas.
I joined a know-what-you-are-doing Titan the other day and was on the red side with my FVS. Of the two guys with me, one knew what he was doing(let's call him "guildie"), the other was the party 'leader' (let's call him "bob x.").
I let guildie in the west room, to let me and bob x. move ahead (no OL on any of us). I went through...apparently alone. I told bob x. to follow. He said no, told guildie to come out, then instructed me to let them through. I explained that I couldn't, we needed the key first and that it requires two people. I was then greeted to his quivering spazzy voice over the mic, as he laid into me...."No you god **** don't. calm down...calm down..... Just PULL the ****ING LEVER NOOB!!!!".
Took a few minutes and some more swearing before bob x. figured out what was what.
People who think they know it all but don't (aka. morons) aren't dictated by their join date. These idiots existed before F2P too. And they make the DDO interesting, both ingame and the stories they inspire for the forums.
Last edited by Delt; 02-02-2010 at 04:59 AM.
Radiance II is kinda WAWG, only works on trash and there are other ways to get SA.
Lightning II/min II is probably the only decent weapon against DR a newb is going to have.
Depends on how many larges you have/are gaining per raid timer and if you primarily raid or quest I'd say.
Community Member
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
Ghallanda: Kruppe f13 - Pryas c16/f1 - Gimso f16/p4/e1 - Zarnax ra16/ro1 - Jeraldim a6 - Angerer s18/p2/e1
Thelanis: Zarna ra18/ro1/f1/e8 - Jeraldim w16/ro2/f2/e1 - Roboco second life
That makes me very, very sad. We have never run together and I guess we never will. Thats a shame. I Ran on EU servers for 3 years. Moved over because of state of CM. Now it looks like I (and others in my position) shall
not be accepted into groups because I am not know and will not be given the chance to introduce myself.
Ho hum!
Most people reading the builds on forums don't happen to understand that rogues work differently than most other melee's do because of what the rogue actually is. I'm not gonna start an argument since I'm almost 18 hours without sleep. I don't quite have the mental faculties to form a coherent post without serious focus, which is, at current, fading fast.
Suffice it to say that when I make a rogue up to shroud levels, I'm gonna have 4 kopesh and a longbow made. 2 min2 kopesh, 2 radiance 2 kopesh, and a lightning 2 longbow. that way I can swap weapon sets for when I need/choose to. I'm aware of the absurd number of times I'll have to run shroud, but by-god I'm gonna do whatever it takes for me to get what I need before I TR, when the time comes.
I always try to defer to the players that prove their knowledge to me.
So umm, yea... That's how I died... By they way, has anyone seen my corpse? It isn't where I left it...
First let me say that I am just a tad bit of a country boy. Anyway, in this particular run through vent I was asked by my guild how the run was going in part five. My response, "Sh***Y, this is like herding chickens!" Ugh, then I had to explain to my guildees what chicken herding was like....anyway. It was just a bad run.
Xoriat born, Xoriat sworn
Dwat Motto - Preperation is the mother of good fortune.
Dharley, Domidar, Sotek, Domia, Drambow, Krispykream, Eulon, Stinkbait, Oleo, Dhapper
And hereto forth thou shalt only be known as
Venture forth brave Chickenkicker, and smite the noobs
But in all seriousness, when i encounter a noob spouting noob directions and being rude, baselessly rude mind you, i simply kill him...its really quite easy
also, its cool to kill guildies for any reason, especially if you're working off a point system based on frags![]()
Xoriat Born
Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs
I'm really glad a lot of the EU players are coming over. They are usually a bit easier to spot though. They are usually in established guilds or have created guilds that indicate they are from EU. I'll group with them any day (especially the Irish ones if they will use voicechat).
Not all the new players are bad and not all the guildtags are definitive. It's just the odds. Case in point - we were running a guild Shroud. My guild leader, let's call him a DBlets in this wizard/cleric (no, I have no idea what the point was) from a relatively decent guild. Then a level 16 cleric hits the LFM from an unknown guild. I say to bring him. He steps in says it's his 2nd time and the first time they wiped in part 4. The DB starts teasing me in guild chat for bringing this guy. So, me on my bard send the cleric a tell and ask him to stick with me and I'll teach him the quest. He does very well. He listens, sticks with me, and is a pretty good player. He thanks me in the end for helping him and not yelling at him because he doesn't know.
Now...the DB's pick. He follows us around to the portals in part 1. I ask him to help the other wizard in the party kill trogs. So....he starts putting up Disco Ball on the portals we are beating on. That's it. I must be a n00b but I didn't think that spell did any damage. This was his sole contribution in the entire raid. Maybe he was someone's kid. No clue. He didn't use voice chat.
I pointed out to the DB at the end of the run that my newb was way better than his n00b.
I have no real problem with new players and I suspect most people do not. It's just the ones who think they know it all and/or won't ask questions or listen that drive me crazy. I'm pretty patient with people but they have to give me something to work with![]()
Justice / Karisu / Melodi / Morgiana / Zoie / Dixee / Savanna / Silviah / Oliviah / Coreline / Serachi / Raevinn-= Pestilence =-Thelanis
If you have ingredients for 1 GS on a rog and you don't make it a radiance... you are wasting a huge opportunity for you bread and butter to shine... SA. I would rather a rog with no dr beating weopon and a radiance join my group than a rog with a Min II. It IS possible to get non GS weapons to beat dr--it is NOT possible to find weapons that proc on crit that give you SA regardless of aggro.
KhyberR e v e n a n t s RenownedThelanis
Maybe I've been lucky in that I haven't had one bad Shroud run (out of about 15, mostly ingred runs thru 4, two finishes). I'm actually kind of disappointed how easy it is - until I realize how many large items I need to put on my new tier 2 scimitar to get to tier 3. Granted, every run I've been on has been with at least half guild members and usually a couple other people I know so I'd say they are very good groups. I'm definately still in the follow along mode but know the portal pattern, can easily navigate the maze and have more than enough dps and hps to take low a red named and hold his agro, can do 3x3 puzzles and some 4x4s and know to stay behind the pit fiend and whack away. Could I lead a group? No. I wouldn't feel comfortable leading a group till I had 20 completes, but not everyone is in a situation where they have (what I consider) ideal circumstances to learn Shroud. If you don't have those and want to do the quest, what can you do but start a PUG and hope for the best?
well let me say this...braegan you are a newb....
but back to the subject if these so uber noobs cant have a min 2 radiance lightning 2 and 3 items all cleansed wat makes them think thier not noobs?
Axebiter, Cujo, Runeforge, Runefury, Runegoth, Runehealer, Runehamer, Runehorde, Runenight, Runesongs, RunezephyrAnd the forgotten: Runeaura, Runedevourer, Herstinkie, Runewolf,Caught somewhere between casual player and power gamer.