maybe is RL...
Last Activity: 02-02-2010 05:02 PM
maybe is RL...
Last Activity: 02-02-2010 05:02 PM
yup...right around the time he traded with me...sounds right
Chaz for what it is worth I had a "run-in" with your trade partner many, many moons ago. I grouped with him for a quest and lent him a weapon because he was very ill equip to deal with what we were running. As soon as the quest ended he was gone...with my weapon. I sent him a tell with a sarcastic message along lines of "Yeah I don't mind ya just walking off with my nice sword there". I got no reply at all no thanks no nothing...he simply logged and that was the last time I saw him.
Axebiter, Cujo, Runeforge, Runefury, Runegoth, Runehealer, Runehamer, Runehorde, Runenight, Runesongs, RunezephyrAnd the forgotten: Runeaura, Runedevourer, Herstinkie, Runewolf,Caught somewhere between casual player and power gamer.
oh booooy.....time will tell i guess...I'll keep ya posted
Last edited by kchaz; 02-06-2010 at 01:39 AM.
i guess all's well that ends well...seems he misunderstood the deal, but has agreed to send me a devil scale once he pulls one...time will once again tell...I'll update once deal is closed, hopefully sooner than later...
You should of put Matlock on the case. He always seems to solve them within the hour.
Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks
Just a bump to let people know that have asked that I have not recieved my last and final large scale to end this deal...over a month and nothing...hopefully he'll pull one soon so this can be over with
Bad Karma.
I hate to coin ethnically pejorative phrases, but this Gentleman, who may or may not be from Wales, should reconsider his position and just pay Chaz his due before things go sideways.
Me doubts tis'ere thread be all m'eye and Peggy Martin, but ratha dis ole boy Chaz be takin' a biscuit at th'end of 'is tether!! KChaz been feed'n a donkey strawberries, for fo'ds sake!
'Oy tinks wat we 'ave ere isa box cleva brass neck carrying coals t'Newcastle!
Now, the man o'the Clapham omnibus may well be as daft as a brush, but he knew **** well the scale want doled on the never-never.
This poor ol chap..he's holding the baby, for sure, aaahhhh, but should he be bent as a nine bob note 'n come a cropper, everytin will just go pearchaped and m'lord Chaz, gone spare, be forced to give the nod to 'is mateys bring'n jersey justice in a tic.
Bare with me now, I'm no Nozy parker looking to oust this queer fish chap off his chump.
Still, as the sun lights the keyboard, b'fore our tater 'thick as mince finds imself up the spout, 'e's chance to perform a yeoman's service pull'n his arse outta the sticky thicket.
Chaz be wearin the trousers, and whilst chumps wouldn't touch this banana skin with a bargepole, its time I steps in and gives this chap a boost 'fore he loses the bottle.
He's lookin a mite hairy at the heel, but a football game's got two halves. If he wears his belt and braces and does his runnin, he comes up smelling like roses and BOOMPH!!
Bob's your uncle.
Dude. Don't Welsh on a done deal. made me smile...thanks man...would just love to get this deal over and done with...I know he's running shrouds because I ran one with him the other day...but if not, he needs to be to get me my scale owed...
Are Scales down or up this past month? We will be in a new quarter soon and perhaps he is just trying to get better value by holding onto the scale longer. If scales go down server wide, and then you finally get it Chaz, then maybe he will feel like the whole deal was in his favor more.
Might want to check with AZ, he might of rolled that scale into the Stormreach stockmarket. Though even if the scale was on the cheap, @ 250kpp/per, that would probably be enough to buy the whole company and closer down. /shrug
GL, hope it ends up being handled, whatever that may be.
Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks
bump update...
2+ months... still no scale to finish the trade...come on man, you gotta be kidding me...
wow....note to self...
looks like he has a few to trade...
Thelanis - Proud Officer of DWAT
Merkury - McKormic - Nykole - Merkormic - Mckorc - Gemineye - Magisterr - Metaphysics
thanks for the link... i know he has a scale to end our trade but he's shining me on for some reason...I won't forget and won't let this go until I get that remaining scale...
Foxom, an officer for Dark Exile, has cleaned the slate in my book...not only sent me 1 scale for the botched trade, but an extra one for the trouble it caused...very stand up move man, and I appreciate it very much...If you represent Dark Exile's standards it speaks volumes for you guys over there....koom is another story, but I won't hold that against the rest of you guys...many thanks bro...much appreciated!
Nice to see the guild stand up for the man who fell down.
You're a good guy Chaz and I'm glad to see you didn't get ripped off.