Having not previously raised a pally, I was wondering if this seemed decent to people despite seeing no real examples of builds.
My questions:
- Does this seem feasible?
- Am I gimping myself by trying for too much of a hybrid dps/tank?
- Have there been any decent versions of a build like this published?
- Is there another build that better fits my needs?
Goal: Semi-casual survivalist DPS with some light tanking ability.
Description: Warforged, TWF (Khopeshes), Knight of the Chalice II, Tempest I.
Expect to gain:
Decent DPS
Decent AC
Good Saves
Lots of Immunities
Willing to sacrifice:
Zeal - Tempest seems better.
UMD - Painful. I'll probably still raise it cross-class.
Cash - No holy weapon and necessary tomes.
STR 26 = 15 Base + 3 Levels + 2 Tome + 6 Item
DEX 22 = 11 Base + 2 AP + 3 Tome + 6 Item
CON 26 = 16 Base + 2 AP + 2 Tome + 6 Item
INT 18 = 11 Base + 2 Tome + 5 Item
WIS 22 = 12 Base + 1 AP + 3 Tome + 6 Item
CHA 22 = 12 Base + 2 Levels + 2 AP + 2 Tome + 6 Item
(TWF, ITWF from Ranger)
Spring Attack
Combat Expertise
Improved Critical
Power Attack
Edit: Removed GTWF - Thanks Thrudh
In order to get all of these, I will have to respec a couple feats for tempest.
Feel free not to pull your punches. Thanks in advance for all input!