I have very little experience in the end game, so I wanted to hear from you guys if this is a viable build there. Before going any further, let me clarify the purpose of this build: I want a toolbox, that can fill the role of secondary DPSer/ Caster/ Trapmonkey /Healer (even for fleshies with UMD) -- and not be a bard -- but can still be a primary damage caster if necessary. Well, now that I think about it, kinda like a WF bard with firewalls, reconstruct, and trap skills, without the partybuffing goodness. Now I also haven't had much experience multiclassing and playing melee, so I wouldn't really know if the melee choices are optimal or not.
I'm not sure if there's a build suited to those goals already -- I'm pretty sure there is, but my searchfu is weak =/ Anyway, can this contribute meaningfully end game? Please critique.
Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.14
DDO Character Planner Home Page
Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Male
(6 Fighter \ 2 Rogue \ 12 Wizard)
Hit Points: 322
Spell Points: 877
BAB: 13\13\18\23
Fortitude: 14
Reflex: 16
Will: 9
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20)
Strength 14 20
Dexterity 8 10
Constitution 16 20
Intelligence 18 24
Wisdom 6 8
Charisma 10 12
Tomes Used
+1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
+1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
+1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20)
Balance -1 0
Bluff 0 2
Concentration 5 23
Diplomacy 0 1
Disable Device 8 31
Haggle 0 1
Heal -2 -1
Hide -1 0
Intimidate 0 1
Jump 2 5
Listen -2 -1
Move Silently -1 0
Open Lock 3 13
Perform n/a n/a
Repair 4 7
Search 8 27
Spot 2 11
Swim 2 5
Tumble 0 1
Use Magic Device 4 27
Level 1 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Level 2 (Wizard)
Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Maximize Spell
Level 3 (Wizard)
Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell
Level 4 (Wizard)
Level 5 (Wizard)
Level 6 (Wizard)
Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Mental Toughness
Feat: (Selected) Skill Focus: Use Magic Device
Level 7 (Wizard)
Level 8 (Wizard)
Level 9 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Insightful Reflexes
Level 10 (Wizard)
Level 11 (Wizard)
Level 12 (Wizard)
Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell
Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Quicken Spell
Level 13 (Wizard)
Level 14 (Wizard)
Level 15 (Fighter)
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Two Handed Fighting
Level 16 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Handed Fighting
Level 17 (Fighter)
Level 18 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
Feat: (Selected) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
Level 19 (Fighter)
Level 20 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Two Handed Fighting
Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost I
Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost II
Enhancement: Rogue Damage Boost I
Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost II
Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I
Enhancement: Kensei Falchion Mastery I
Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I
Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II
Enhancement: Fighter Kensei I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy I
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Enhancement: Rogue Disable Device I
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Elements I
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Elements II
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Elements III
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements I
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements II
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation I
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation II
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation III
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar I
Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar II
Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar III
Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence I
Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence II
Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
Enhancement: Fighter Strength II
Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Enhancement: Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude I
Enhancement: Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude II