What about some kind of coding about that? I play since a few months but it's already clear to me that raid loot creates a lot of attitude and whining problems...
My suggestion is a new loot assignation system only for raids, something like this:
- when the first one open the chest it generates loot for everyone in the instance;
- each ppl has the option to click on every item, just like all the loot is assigned to him;
- actually clicking on a specific item will make it disappear from that person list, assigning to it a "priority number";
- after clicking on 5 items (assigning to them a priority ranging from 1 to 5, respectivelly), all the remaining loot will disappear from the list and get a priority 6.
- after all the instance members have assigned their priority the loot will be assigned to them in this way: each item will be given to the person who assigned to it the highest priority. If there's a tie the system will randomly roll amongst them.
That's all...
The only problem I could see with a system like that is if someone disconnects or take too long to assign priority, so maybe a timer could appear on the first opening of the chest (say 5 minutes) in which ppl has the option to assign their priority. If someone will not complete the step in that given time, all the items will have priority 6 for him.
The other problem could be about someone assigning priority 1 to items not really useful for them (icy raiment for a wiz for example), but that's a problem impossible to solve, imho.
I know, it will need a bit of coding (but it shouldn't be too hard) but I feel that a fair system for end game loot is absolutely necessary and it will make ppl more willing to raid with pugs, thus making end game more active and not a "friend/guild only stuff".
PS: sorry for my english, it's not my native language.