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  1. #1
    Community Member Nerthus's Avatar
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    Default Raid loot assignation

    What about some kind of coding about that? I play since a few months but it's already clear to me that raid loot creates a lot of attitude and whining problems...

    My suggestion is a new loot assignation system only for raids, something like this:
    - when the first one open the chest it generates loot for everyone in the instance;
    - each ppl has the option to click on every item, just like all the loot is assigned to him;
    - actually clicking on a specific item will make it disappear from that person list, assigning to it a "priority number";
    - after clicking on 5 items (assigning to them a priority ranging from 1 to 5, respectivelly), all the remaining loot will disappear from the list and get a priority 6.
    - after all the instance members have assigned their priority the loot will be assigned to them in this way: each item will be given to the person who assigned to it the highest priority. If there's a tie the system will randomly roll amongst them.

    That's all...
    The only problem I could see with a system like that is if someone disconnects or take too long to assign priority, so maybe a timer could appear on the first opening of the chest (say 5 minutes) in which ppl has the option to assign their priority. If someone will not complete the step in that given time, all the items will have priority 6 for him.
    The other problem could be about someone assigning priority 1 to items not really useful for them (icy raiment for a wiz for example), but that's a problem impossible to solve, imho.

    I know, it will need a bit of coding (but it shouldn't be too hard) but I feel that a fair system for end game loot is absolutely necessary and it will make ppl more willing to raid with pugs, thus making end game more active and not a "friend/guild only stuff".

    PS: sorry for my english, it's not my native language.

  2. #2
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    or leave it as it is instead of making a totally new overcomplex system which will most likeley wont be bugfree for 2 years

    the whines onnly come from the pikers or jerks, something which can safely be ignored

    the common rule is what drops for you, you can do with whatever you want
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  3. #3
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by visty View Post
    or Leave It As It Is Instead Of Making A Totally New Overcomplex System Which Will Most Likeley Wont Be Bugfree For 2 Years

    The Whines Onnly Come From The Pikers Or Jerks, Something Which Can Safely Be Ignored

    The Common Rule Is What Drops For You, You Can Do With Whatever You Want

  4. #4
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    I drop something, it has my name on it, I have ownership......

    Are you going to get a new car then let some stranger drive it off because he says he has more of a right to it than you?

    The only people who complain are people who think they deserve it more, and that is a load of rubbish. DDO has drop rates equal across the board. Everyone can drop the item and if they don't drop it then they need to try again. End of story. If you happen to decide that you don't need and most likely will just sell something that binds, then it's up to you if you want to let other people have a chance at it and get them to roll or whatever you feel most fair in your mind.

    There is a reason loot gets assigned to players...don't let anyone tell you that you have to give your stuff away. They are lying to you.
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    Qualified Devil's Advocate ` Refugee Boldrei '06 / Keeper '09

  5. #5
    Community Member Anderei's Avatar
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    @Rasczak. There are exceptions tough if you arrenge them *before* running the raid, especially in guild runs. Don't expect the guild to be nice to you, if the guild run was all about guildy X getting Y but you get the drop and want to keep Y, since you want to TR in some far future.

    I'm fine with the current system, it works pretty well IMHO

  6. #6
    Founder Blackbird's Avatar
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    I agree this is probably a bit complex and susceptible to bugs. Even if you never get a chance to roll on the raid loot you want and it doesn't drop for you, ever 20 runs you get an end reward list full of nothing but raid loot so you have a good chance (not absolute chance) of getting it then.

    The main change *I* would like to see to raid loot assigning is that once someone finishes out, you can no longer assign things to them and/or if assigned to them and they finish out, it reverts or becomes open to anyone. I have seen several instances where someone put something up for roll and it was accidentally assigned to someone who had finished out. I believe in all raids once you leave you can no longer get back in (with the exception of Tempest Spine but that loot doesn't bind if I am correct).
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  7. #7
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anderei View Post
    @Rasczak. There are exceptions tough if you arrenge them *before* running the raid, especially in guild runs. Don't expect the guild to be nice to you, if the guild run was all about guildy X getting Y but you get the drop and want to keep Y, since you want to TR in some far future.

    I'm fine with the current system, it works pretty well IMHO
    That is an age old debate though. If the leader has specified that when you join the lfm and you agree then it's still your decision. If nobody has said anything, it's a PUG group then it doesn't relate. A party leader can't turn around after seeing you dropped something and say you have to give it up now without first specifying that they are running the raid purely to find a certain item for someone.

    I do agree though that if you have agreed to hand over a specific item if you find, prior to starting the raid / quest, then you should honor your word. You were allowed to join the group based on you saying that you agree to the terms. If you didn't agree with them then you should never have joined.

    If it is your guildies asking and you run with them and find it then you have decided to hand it over prior.

    At the end of the day though, no matter what the situation is, the loot has your name on it and you decide to pass it over or not. Everything else that is situational is considered to be good manners or ettiquette. But then again if I run a PUG group I will expect players to pull everything for themselves. I don't expect to be offered a chance to roll. I myself always stick bound to character items up for roll (that I don't need) to whoever wants it and once I have put their name on it then they can decide what they do with it.

    What I will never agree with though, is some player telling you that his character has more use for an item than you do so you should give it to them. That is a piker trying to take a chance with you and con you out of your fairly earned gear. If someone like that gets annoyed and squelches you I would consider that a gift. Unless I squelch them first
    Don't let common sense stop you...
    Qualified Devil's Advocate ` Refugee Boldrei '06 / Keeper '09

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerthus View Post
    What about some kind of coding about that? I play since a few months but it's already clear to me that raid loot creates a lot of attitude and whining problems...

    My suggestion is a new loot assignation system only for raids, something like this:
    - when the first one open the chest it generates loot for everyone in the instance;
    - each ppl has the option to click on every item, just like all the loot is assigned to him;
    - actually clicking on a specific item will make it disappear from that person list, assigning to it a "priority number";
    - after clicking on 5 items (assigning to them a priority ranging from 1 to 5, respectivelly), all the remaining loot will disappear from the list and get a priority 6.
    - after all the instance members have assigned their priority the loot will be assigned to them in this way: each item will be given to the person who assigned to it the highest priority. If there's a tie the system will randomly roll amongst them.

    That's all...
    The only problem I could see with a system like that is if someone disconnects or take too long to assign priority, so maybe a timer could appear on the first opening of the chest (say 5 minutes) in which ppl has the option to assign their priority. If someone will not complete the step in that given time, all the items will have priority 6 for him.
    The other problem could be about someone assigning priority 1 to items not really useful for them (icy raiment for a wiz for example), but that's a problem impossible to solve, imho.

    I know, it will need a bit of coding (but it shouldn't be too hard) but I feel that a fair system for end game loot is absolutely necessary and it will make ppl more willing to raid with pugs, thus making end game more active and not a "friend/guild only stuff".

    PS: sorry for my english, it's not my native language.
    hello (im not good in english too) what you are saying could work. but i see a problem. if someone is getting behind beacuse etc others have hast. then he would never get any good items if he is the last to get the chest if everyone else pick the good stuff. and another problem would be that if its monsters nearby every one would try to get to chest first and then no one would think of helping taking out monsters first beacuse they lose doing so.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerthus View Post
    What about some kind of coding about that? I play since a few months but it's already clear to me that raid loot creates a lot of attitude and whining problems...

    My suggestion is a new loot assignation system only for raids, something like this:
    - when the first one open the chest it generates loot for everyone in the instance;
    - each ppl has the option to click on every item, just like all the loot is assigned to him;
    - actually clicking on a specific item will make it disappear from that person list, assigning to it a "priority number";
    - after clicking on 5 items (assigning to them a priority ranging from 1 to 5, respectivelly), all the remaining loot will disappear from the list and get a priority 6.
    - after all the instance members have assigned their priority the loot will be assigned to them in this way: each item will be given to the person who assigned to it the highest priority. If there's a tie the system will randomly roll amongst them.

    That's all...
    The only problem I could see with a system like that is if someone disconnects or take too long to assign priority, so maybe a timer could appear on the first opening of the chest (say 5 minutes) in which ppl has the option to assign their priority. If someone will not complete the step in that given time, all the items will have priority 6 for him.
    The other problem could be about someone assigning priority 1 to items not really useful for them (icy raiment for a wiz for example), but that's a problem impossible to solve, imho.

    I know, it will need a bit of coding (but it shouldn't be too hard) but I feel that a fair system for end game loot is absolutely necessary and it will make ppl more willing to raid with pugs, thus making end game more active and not a "friend/guild only stuff".

    PS: sorry for my english, it's not my native language.
    what about the system now? how is it unfair if everyone has the same chance of loot? if it drops for you and you don't need/like/whatever, put it up for others to roll, loot and vendor it or just leave it in chest. that might not be fun for your companions, but as it dropped for you (remember, the others had the same chances) you can do with it what you like. why should anyone have dibs on my loot over me? i mean, i give away all the stuff i don't need or can't use freely (up for roll for guildies and friends first ofc) but if someone has his/her different approach, well, its theirs to decide. get used to running raids over and over again and not get your desired loot. nice guildfolks help lots too. and most importantly, you can do your own raids and announce beforehand that all ppl that join agree that you, as raid leader, will distribute their raiddrops to others (that might actually need it more or are just your chaps).

    imo this is the most "democratic" loot system i have seen so far. it has been different in the past (with loot tokens) but this favored going shortmanned on quest and raid.

  10. #10
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    Does the "Loot All" button not appear on Raid loot chests?

    In every quest I do, I always just click on "Loot All" without even bothering to look at what I've got until I get back to town after finishing the quest.

  11. #11
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    The only issue I have ever had with the raid loot system is when other people think they are entitled to something with my name on it.

    But that is not my problem, it is their's.
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  12. #12
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by TechNoFear View Post
    The only issue I have ever had with the raid loot system is when other people think they are entitled to something with my name on it.

    But that is not my problem, it is their's.

    I am always happily surprised if I am allowed to roll on a piece of loot that someone else got in the chest. But I do NOT expect it. It's their loot, not mine.

  13. #13
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by technofear View Post
    the Only Issue I Have Ever Had With The Raid Loot System Is When Other People Think They Are Entitled To Something With My Name On It.

    But That Is Not My Problem, It Is Their's.


    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
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  14. #14
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catholicon View Post
    Does the "Loot All" button not appear on Raid loot chests?

    In every quest I do, I always just click on "Loot All" without even bothering to look at what I've got until I get back to town after finishing the quest.
    it does but you still get a box to confirm if you really want to loot it as raidloot is bound
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  15. #15
    Community Member Anderei's Avatar
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    As far I can remember WoW has several options for this what to do with named loot when entering a Raid:

    * Either finders keepers (Random) - you can put it up for a roll however.
    * Roll everything (you click if you want to roll for an item).
    * Or what most guilds do in high lvl instances: treasurer: At the end Group leader gets a window, where he assigns stuff.

    I like the DDO System however, since given there is a consesus in the group how to deal with loot all three options can easily be simulated by the group.

  16. #16
    Community Member Sinni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anderei View Post
    As far I can remember WoW has several options for this what to do with named loot when entering a Raid:

    * Either finders keepers (Random) - you can put it up for a roll however.
    * Roll everything (you click if you want to roll for an item).
    * Or what most guilds do in high lvl instances: treasurer: At the end Group leader gets a window, where he assigns stuff.

    I like the DDO System however, since given there is a consesus in the group how to deal with loot all three options can easily be simulated by the group.

    WoW isn't a valid comparison. A mob/boss drops loot there, but only once. Same goes for chests, they only contain 1 set of loot (unless they changed it in the laste 3 years). that's why loot is usually rolled among those who need it (tough who is entitled to "need" is often a point of discussion).
    In DDO everybody gets the full loot out of a boss/chest for himself, that's why in DDO the general idea is: what you find is yours.

  17. #17
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    IMHO a good idea,
    but as visty and charmedboy said,
    due to its complexity it might be a major cause of bugs
    and there might be situations where the system could cause problems (or be unfair)
    (regarding the timer for example, imagine Tempest Spine...
    some people get blown off the peak and don´t make it back to the peak till the timer runs out,
    so that they aren´t able to select anything from the end chest, a situation which naturally might lead to complaints,
    as they only get the stuff noone of the other partymembers wants to have)

  18. #18
    Community Member r3dl4nce's Avatar
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    No need to change the current raid loot system (well, it's far more working than the old "loot tokens" system, even if it's a nerf)
    If you want do do some "house rules" for the raid loot, just be in a guild, run guild raids and on raid start decide what to do with items in chest.

  19. #19
    Community Member Tin_Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerthus View Post
    What about some kind of coding ....

    PS: sorry for my english, it's not my native language.


    Anyway, here is a system, if it drops to you, do whatever you want with it. If it doesn't drop to you, man up and run it again in 2.5 days.
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  20. #20
    Community Member Anderei's Avatar
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    Sinni, thats why I spoke of *named* loot, even in top chests you will not a hugh splash of named loot for everyone.

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