I am new to the game having only played a few months, but my Toons are not poor. Between the three of them, I have over 100K Platinum and I got all of it by selling items on the auction house, general vendors and brokers. My auction house prices usually start at half of the base value with a buyout very close to the full base value. I have sold a few items on the auction house for slightly higher rounding the numbers off to an even platinum amount. For example, if an item was worth 128.000 Gold 8 Silver and 4 Copper, I would most likely set the buyout around 130,000 Gp.
If you go back and read my original post, you will see I only suggested putting a limit on the Buyout price. There is no reason a player couldn't post a Ring of Feathers (For example) for 1,001 Gp and sell it for 1,000,000 Gp as long as somebody was willing to pay that for it. They just couldn't post a buyout for that amount. After 72 hours, if the ring sold for 1,000,000 Gp, then that's what it was worth. If it sold for 1,001 Gp, then that's what it was worth. If a seller is sure that an item is worth millions of gold, then they shouldn't have any problem listing them at base value to start with and waiting 72 hours to claim their payment. The only reason one might be hesitant is that glimmer of doubt that tells them that their Spectral Gloves might not be worth 12,000,000 Gp after all. How would they survive is the gloves they found in a chest only sold for 50,000 gold?
That's ridiculous. I wish I had the ability to rate you down for posting such an asinine idea.
That qualifies as poor in this game lol. People have begged for the 4.2mil plat/character limit to be raised. Maybe your relative lack of wealth is why you don't see the prices are reasonable.
I won't even post for less than the base price, its just not worth it. I have a high haggle bard who sells things with over 10K plat base price, everything lower goes to the nearest vendor. The difference between base price, less AH fee, isn't that much above my bard haggle price to be worth the effort of AHing for less.
And what exactly do you think a large scale would be worth? Would you sell it for base value? If so I want to be your new best friend. How about a silver GEOB greataxe of pure good?
From these quotes I would say that you did indeed suggest limiting the cap on both posted minimum price, and buyout price.
You have a bad assumption in both 1 and 2. Namely that everything placed on the auction house is for the purpose of wanting to sell, or at least sell quickly.
Some other reasons folks place things on the auction house.
1) Mail banking. A short term strategy.
2) Sell it for a high price, eventually. A long term strategy
3) Sell it for a high price, or use it on an alt. This is a good item for my alt, but if I can get X times 1000 plat for it then I'll take that offer. A minimizing loss strategy, rather long term.
4) Sell it for Cost+. I paid X for this item to use on my alt. Now that I am done with it I am going to recoup my cost. another long term strategy.
5) Get this out of my bags for now, I'll spend the time to reprice later. A short term strategy.
6) I don't know the value of this item, I'll price it high for now. A searching strategy.
Occasionally playing on Cannith
Llyren, Kelda and some others.
Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?
OK, I just pulled a +5 wounding of puncturing rapier, no race requirement. So your saying I should only be able to sell it for about 35000 plat at max. Just because your new and broke there is no reason for some of us to be hurting. Between my toon I have an estimated worth of around 9,000,000 plat. If what our wanting to happen does indeed go into effect that would be worthless as I would spend a mere million plat (It's really not that much) and have everything I ever wanted to have in the game. Dude, perhaps you should do afew loot runs, plat is insanely easy to come by.
Xoriat born, Xoriat sworn
Dwat Motto - Preperation is the mother of good fortune.
Dharley, Domidar, Sotek, Domia, Drambow, Krispykream, Eulon, Stinkbait, Oleo, Dhapper