The Auction House is out of control.

It is being flooded with a number of items listed at ridiculous prices and some hard rules need to be set in place.

1. Starting bid should be no more than the item's base value.
Just a good starting point for an item that a player wants to sell.

2. Buyout should be no more than double the items base value.
Get rid of the ridiculous buyouts so that players have a better chance of finding an item at a reasonable price. If the player that lists the item really wants an exuberant amount for it, they should take their chances and hope that it sells high without the buyout option. If it doesn't fetch what they want, then they shouldn't have posted it to begin with.

3. Eliminate the Auction House fees.
With the limitations in place, it will no longer be necessary to help regulate character income and the coins found in chest will once again have value.