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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Evasion Intimitank WF fighter with TWF for non-tank mode

    So I've been working on this one for a while. I was trying to make a no-tome 32pt build, but its just too hard. The best I could do was require 1dex tome for ITWF and GTWF.

    Stalwart Defender 3
    TWF for non-tank mode
    Should be able to work out a fairly high DEX to max out your Tower shield max dex bonus, which should be 2+3(fighter tower shield mastery+3(Stal def3) = 8
    Intimidate +34 base with no screwy items.
    Jump +24 or so if you go with 14int,
    Tumble reasonable
    UMD +24 base

    Low CHA means crummy UMD. Deal with it. Or tome it up.
    Reflex save wont be the best with only 2 rogue levels. But your DEX should get pretty high.
    Saves could be better all around. Though how can I do this with stal defender 3? I dont know. Maybe stal defender 3 isnt the best tank after all.

    Warforged Rogue2/Fighter18

    Str: 16 +3F +5levels = 24base
    Dex: 16 +1rogue+1tome = 18base
    Con:16 +2WFcon = 18base
    INT: 14
    WIS: 6
    CHA: 6

    Without Items

    Options for modifying: Increase CHA by lowering INT to 12 and poping a +1tome of INT for combat expertise. You could also drop CON by 2 to do this, or drop DEX to 15 and get a +2dex tome. Play with it.

    You can take the 2nd Rogue level whenever you want, though I suggest not waiting too late as Evasion helps a LOT. So I recommend taking it after your first Stal Defender enhancement.

    Another option would be to go DWARF. But then you gotta settle for a mithril BP for armor... and that just feels wrong on a dwarf tank. SO, if you do go DWARF, I recommend going for 2levels of paladin and getting CHA up to reasonable standards... more saves of paladin divine grace helps. But if you bring up CHA that would bring down CON or DEX... again we go back to tomes!

    Level 1, Rogue: Mithril Body
    Level 2, Fighter: (F)TWF
    Level3, F: (F)Dodge, Toughness
    Level4, F
    Level 5, F: (F)Weapon Focus: Slash
    Level 6, F: Khopesh
    7, F: (F)Combat Expertise
    8, R:
    9, F: Bullheaded or skill focus UMD or skill focus Intimidate
    10, F: (F)Improved Crit: Slashing
    11, F:
    12, F: (F)ITWF, Bull headed or skill focus UMD or Intimidate
    13, F:
    14, F: (F)GTWF
    15, F: Bull Headed or skill focus UMD or skill focus Intimidate
    16, F: (F)Weapon Spec: Slashing
    17, F:
    18, F: (F)Power Attack, Luck of heroes?
    19, F:
    20, F: (F)Greater Weapon Spec: Slashing

    Obviously, you can play with feats a bit. Take what you think you need sooner. Maybe you could take Weapon Spec sooner for a bit of damage boost. You can replace Luck of Heroes with anything you want too. I said you can take bull headed, skill focus UMD or skill focus intimidate interchangeably.

    Saves: without items

    HP: 354 without items
    BAB: Not full, but almost. Evasion is worth it

    Yeah. I know saves arent that high right now. I'm still working on it. Again, paladin 2 would bring CHA into saves, but then you gotta invest in it. Might want to go human or drow for that one. Any other ideas to boost saves? Maybe the f12/ranger6/monk2 build would have better saves, but then you dont get stal defender 3, which helps a lot on the damage redux.

    WF CON 2
    WF Healer's friend 3
    WF construct thinking 2(which you can probably dump since your will save will suck anyways)
    WF Hardiness 1 (which you can also dump if you want. I just had some points left over)
    WF Brute Fighting 2
    Fighter Toughness 2
    Fighter STR 3
    Rogue DEX 1
    Fighter Intimidate 2 (needed for stal def 3)
    Racial Toughness 2
    Fighter Item Defense 2 (Needed for stal def 3)
    Fighter Khopesh Specialization
    Fighter Tower Shield Mastery 3
    Fighter Stal Def 3
    Fighter Haste Boost 1
    Fighter Armor Class boost 3 (needed for Stal def 3)

    So yeah, tell me what you think?
    Last edited by aplai13; 01-31-2010 at 07:23 AM.

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