I've reading a lot about the WF Favored Soul lately and this looks like my ideal type of race/class combo. I've rolled and rerolled plenty of characters since I went VIP and I'm getting a better feel for the game and my preferred playstyle approaching the mid-levels (I've got a ranger 10/fighter 1 that is coming along nicely and a new monk that is doing well). Warforged is for obvious reasons and Favored Soul combines healing/buff power with a little more of the melee oomph I'm looking for.

Mind you, I've never experienced any of the high-level stuff and the only raid I've done is Tempest Spine. So I really don't know what to except, only that I'd like to be able to both solo and group effectively. This will be a learning character, so I don't expect to get it completely right the first time. So my real question is, which of the following set of stats looks like it could do okay:

A) Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 11


B) Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12

With either option, I'm prepared to use store-bought tomes to tweak as needed, since I don't have anything special to spend my TP on. My primary concern was to have all of my starting stats with all positive modifiers - I don't have the necessary gear or the funding to really twink like the vets, but I'm certain I can obtain the right items as time goes by. I won't be barreling through the game in a mad dash to 20 and I'm pretty clear as to what my focus is going to be - melee, buffs and healing (myself primarily and others when needed). I'm not even going to pretend I'll be able to land Commands on anybody, even in Korthos. I would hope that I could use Blade Barrier somewhat effectively, but outside of festival cookies I don't have the experience with the spell to know. I'm also not afraid to reroll if I screw something up - I've done it before and I'll probably do it again.

Any advice or guidance would be welcome.