Hi everyone! Episode 153 of DDOcast is now ready to go. Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can leave a public voice mail for DDOcast HERE. You can also find DDOcast on iTunes and many other podcast aggregators.
This week's show features the latest on Update 3 and a ton of submitted goodness. Cedwin offers up theme music! Samius and Lessah (and Morah!) join us for a good chat, Rheebus offers up some tank tips and thoughts and Alex Haddox brings back "Inside the Monestary." Thanks so much for listening!
DDOcast Episode 153 (1-30-10)
:14 Intro
1:38 Correction...
2:47 Update 3 (and 4!)
3:45 In-Game Web Access Coming
5:17 +1 Weapons in DDO Store Ending?
7:00 New Turbine Point structure
8:17 Dungeon Alert feedback
9:27 Press links: TTH and MMORPG Update 3 Previews
10:00 Heroic Surge, Crowd Control latest
12:27 Lawsuit news
13:10 Cryptmoss Infusion ad
14:08 Inside the Monestary
15:15 Know Your Sound Concepts? Lessah and Samius
39:46 Rheebus chats tanks
55:20 Kipling Vranch, attorneys at law...
56:40 Eberron Chronicle
57:16 Memnir - Player Spotlight by Turbine
58:03 Mustardo returns
58:13 Codemasters DDO Trivia winners
58:54 Yak Cast 10
58:07 Voice mail and chat
1:12:30 Emails
1:29:08 Errata
TOTAL TIME: 1:32:37
LINK to Tolero's feedback thread looking at the possible discontinuation of +1 weapons in the DDO Store.
LINK to the latest DDO Turbine Point structure.
LINK to Ten Ton Hammer.com's look at Update 3.
LINK to MMORPG.com's preview of Update 3.
LINK to MadFloyd's feedback thread to help fix Heroic Surge.
LINK to the court document ordering mediation in the lawsuits between Atari and Turbine.
LINK to the new Eberron Chronicle.
LINK to the DDO player spotlight, first up - Memnir!
LINK to the latest Marvelous Misadventures of Mustardo.
LINK to the winners of the DDO-Europe trivia contest.
LINK to Yak's latest DDO podcast (#10!).
LINK to information from the DDO Wiki on the various dragonshards and their use.
LINK to the latest on the DDOcast Build Guild on the DDOcast Forums.
Here's the image showing where on My.DDO.com you can import other blogs into your page:
Stay tuned for more about DDOcast at PAX East!
See ya for now.