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My two cents:
You'd be hard pressed to build a sorc or wiz that couldn't be good enough at both to make the choice moot. [It would be a greater trade-off if they had more good spells in the DPS/buff-debuff arena.]
If comparing strict specced casters, tho, an arcane buffer/debuffer will be less useful than a CC/DPSer. Why? Because debuffing enemies is generally inefficient SP use, so they would be relatively idle in combat unless buffing. That's why bards and clerics make excellent buffers/debuffers -- because in addition to those buffs and debuffs spells, they HEAL.
But any CC/DPS can carry useful spells -- Jump, Resist, Haste, Displacement, Stoneskin -- or use wands/scrolls to get the same effect. However, you can't wand offensive spells worth a dang.